Dinner tonight, Fri.8/9/19

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The KN (a/k/a my Dad) is in Olivia, MN (don't have a clue where that is). I have pork chops, jicama fries, and garden-fresh beans for my Mom, the caregiver, and myself. The caregiver doesn't usually eat with us, but she's from Alaska, a long way from home, and I had three pork chops thawed. Why not ask her to join us?
DH will be making grilled brats with sauerkraut simmered in beer, homemade grainy mustard and thyme from the garden. Green beans will be part of the meal somehow.
Chicken wings on the grill with tater tots and a veggie. I didn't have enough of the hot sauce I usually use so had to improvise. Turned out pretty good.
Chili Dogs

I'm thawing some ground pork to make bachelor surprise.

I discovered that we are out of rice, but I had some cooked penne, so I tried that. It worked well. One tiny chocolate habenero added just the right amount of heat.


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What's cooking at your house?

I'm making this fish recipe tonight, and serving it with rice pilaf. Looking forward to eating the same meal together. :chef:

There's a quick and easy recipe I'll do again, even after his mouth is healed.
I used 1/4 cup of white wine instead of the veg. broth, and doubled the amount of fresh spinach. His mushroom pilaf didn't have the sliced almonds. Pretty, delicious, and simple. Just doesn't get better than that.


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I had leftovers, since I made so much yesterday (and had a couple visitors, as well).

The only thing I cooked today, though I didn't eat any, and still have to finish them, were some chiles - charred and peeled, to make rajas. Ended up too late to finish, so I just stuck them in the fridge for tomorrow.

The Mosquetero Ancho had poblanos with thicker flesh than the Big Jim numex, and usually the poblanos are thinner. I'll see if it catches up, as far as production; if so, I might grow that from now on for poblanos.
Charring poblanos. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Charring Big Jim numex by pepperhead212, on Flickr

About 1 1/2c flesh from 10 chiles. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

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