Dinner Wednesday 10th April 2013

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Chef Extraordinaire
Jun 24, 2012
Tonight we are having some lovely beef rissoles I made earlier and vegetables with cheese sauce
Last night's chili cost me a handful of Tums. I need to lighten up on the chilis.

Tonight's dinner will be half a roast chicken, pilaf and a veggie.
I just put the pan to simmer on some spaghetti sauce.
Now to decide on the shape of the pasta...
Yesterday's leftover hot dogs and potato salad. The weather flip-flopped on me, making today nice and the next two days crummy. It WAS supposed to be rain/nice/rain. Since I hate slogging the grocery bags out to the car in the rain I shopped today.

Boy I miss my grocery store back home. They have a covered drive up pick-up zone. When you go through the checkout they put the bags in large plastic tubs, give you plastic cards with numbers corresponding to the bin number, then put the bags right into your car when you drive up and hand them the cards. The only way it could get better was if they came home and helped me put the stuff away.
Had a big salad with cottage cheese and a bunch of stuff on it.

One my favorite salads is simply cottage cheese, cukes, green onion and tomatoes seasoned with sea salt and fresh ground pepper.

I also enjoy cottage cheese with fruit and a drizzle of honey.
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We are going to grill some ribeye steaks. I made a potato, green bean salad on the side dressed with a vinegarette. I added a small can of the good italian tuna ( (Foti) and grape tomato's to the potato's. Yum!
mmyap, that potato/green bean/tomato salad sounds like it would be good without the tuna but instead to use it as a side dish FOR grilled tuna. I'll have to remember that sometime this summer.

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