Discontinued ancient, addictive candy

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Washing Up
Jun 21, 2016
Does anyone have a favourite, very odd candy that was inexplicably discontinued as a health risk?

From a very young age, I was "addicted" (I'll take the quotes off shortly) to Victory V candy. I was lucky to find an actual photograph, because it suddenly vanished off the face of the Earth.


It was made from the 1800s until about 1970, and I spent all my allowance on it, but then those British bureaucratic morons took it away from me! I can't imagine why: sure, the ingredient list included linseed oil, ether, and chloroform, but nothing really bad for you. My fondness for it was not even slightly related to the fact that I also liked to stick my nose up the school bus exhaust pipe...
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Yes! These!!! Le Vie. European fruit drops dusted with powdered sugar. I use to buy them by the case. No longer available that I can find. My old dad used to have a tin of these on his bedside table, back in the old days of candy.

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If there is a World Market near you, check there. I think I saw them at one in OH when we stopped at the World Market in the Akron area at Christmastime. If not, I googled and what comes up? Amazon, among other websites. Forget Alice's Restaurant - you can get anything you want at Amazon.com. :LOL:
Sen Sens. My DH loved this wretched things ...

I understand they have been discontinued in the past year or so. :chef:
I used to love these but then they disappeared. BUT are now back and can be found on Amazon and several other sites. I wonder if they are still the same sour.


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I was going to bewail the fact that Floral Gums were no longer made, but just now discovered they're back! (Or at least I think they're back: I haven't tried the new ones.)


They were almost hard, and it took quite a while to finish each one. Each colour had a very distinctive flavour, and just like in "A Fish Called Wanda," we avoided the green ones because they weren't ripe yet.

I no longer have a sweet-tooth, but the reason I want to try the new ones is that I remember the exact moment I ate my last one. I was fifteen, lying in my bedroom, happily reading a book about building and flying model aircraft, and when I ate the last one, I thought: "Next time I eat one I'll remember this exact moment." Exactly fifty years later, I'm sure that memory is still there, just waiting for a floral gum to blossom it once again.
Wax lips and candy cigarettes. Plus that liquid we used to drink out of wax bottles.

Oh good grief! The only good thing about those bottles is that they cost 1d each. My sisters loved wax lips, which were made by the same guys who made floral gums.

And how about sherbet lollipops, which came with a small bag of sherbet to dip them into? And Lucky Bags? They cost 3d and were always a complete disappointment. Pontefract Cakes, on the other hand, were like adult liquorice:


They were first made 250 years ago, and they don't belong here because I just discovered they're still going strong.
The Vermont Country Store also has a variety of old time candy. They have a catalog and a website.
I was going to bewail the fact that Floral Gums were no longer made, but just now discovered they're back! (Or at least I think they're back: I haven't tried the new ones.)


They were almost hard, and it took quite a while to finish each one. Each colour had a very distinctive flavour, and just like in "A Fish Called Wanda," we avoided the green ones because they weren't ripe yet.

Those are Jujubes, no?
If there is a World Market near you, check there. I think I saw them at one in OH when we stopped at the World Market in the Akron area at Christmastime. If not, I googled and what comes up? Amazon, among other websites. Forget Alice's Restaurant - you can get anything you want at Amazon.com. :LOL:

Yes, Amazon lists Le Vie candy fruit drops...as discontinued/unavailable tho. I have a World Market near me, I'll try there.
Oh good grief! The only good thing about those bottles is that they cost 1d each. My sisters loved wax lips, which were made by the same guys who made floral gums.

But they were so good. They cost less than that when I was a kid. I remember David's and Sons sunflower seeds costing only a nickel a bag and a Hershey's candy bar was less than a dime, I think. You could go to the candy store with a quarter and toss on all the candy you were able to buy.

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