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Can I get some chicken noodle soup to-go please? TC was sick when I picked him up from school today. Poor kid's sound asleep right now but I'm hoping some soup will make him feel better when he wakes up.
i'm here, i'm here, settle down boss! i was at the cleaners getting the aprons all tailored and pressed.
i want an on-site salon so i can get my nails done on my breaks.
and the breakroom sucks. it needs a big screen plasma tv and surround sound, a cat, and another few computers. we're always fighting over who gets the to use them.
*Thier breezes in for a chat and a bite to eat...* You know what I'd love right now? An egg sandwich: chopped hard boiled egg, mayonnaise, salt and pepper on nice soft bread, cream of mushroom soup and a bit of chocolate for dessert. Mind if I just scoot behind the counter and make some?
*Thier sits alone in a massage chair, absent-mindedly munching on her egg sandwich and sipping her soup from her very large "Ratty" mug...It's so empty in here it echoes...*:neutral:
it's such a slow night, thier, huh?
crewsk, thanks for the meal, it was excellent.:)
where's boss at?
No, thanks, Luvs. How are things going for you? Am I correct that you mentioned that you're struggling with a few health problems?
Bang! Chill! We can go fishing tomorrow! Besides, it was raining at the lake today, and the fish were all down at the bottom where it's peaceful. We wouldn't have caught anything...:cool: Here, Bang, have a hot chocolate and some gingerbread and curl up in the massage chair. Life's too short to stress. (I'm assuming you're stressing because you didn't make it to the fishing trip...Am I correct?) :ermm: Now, I'm going to read the paper to you...Comic pages only...What's your favorite strip?

Here's one to start with, Bang. Sushi, how's life treating you? How was your day?
<<jkath skips in, humming the small world theme song>>

Hi everybody! I'm back from Disneyland - and SurPRISE! I got everybody personalized mouse ears!

Sushi, I have a request (since I brought you the 50th anniversary GOLD mouse ears, & since you're in charge here)
Bang has his special Bang mug.
Thier has her "ratty" mug.

Will you get me a mug?

<<jkath turns off the jacuzzi, and then realizes it looks so inviting. Turns it back on & lights the new Tiki Torches she picked up outside of the Enchanted Tiki Room in Adventureland. Pours a glass of Berringer white zinfandel and hops in. AAAHHHHH! Adds a "bath bombe" from the "Basin" shop, so now the jacuzzi smells yummy, like tangarines.
We're going to Disney World in a couple of weeks, jkath! Any advice as to what we should see that's new? We were there a year ago...Wait...I'm talking WORLD and you're talking LAND. Sorry!!
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i cheated on our cafe tonite. i went to a new real bar and got drunk.
in the massage chair now, just before i go to the sauna room. iscuse my spelling etc; i didid many shots of jaegar and tequila rose. i drank a LOT OF BEER, TOO. AND JUSTR DRIOOPED HALF MY PRETZEL. D@#N.
Hey i thought this was an all nighter cafe?

:( Where is everyone? I can't sleep and i want snack and a Pepsi?
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We need to hang this sign! Hahahaha

I beleive i've seen a few think the silverware was real silver and pocketed them? Dont you think so?
don't you know sush has been pocketing the goods on the sly, lol?!:LOL:
yep, it's true, he takes the teabags, the coffee filters, the ashtrays, the salt and pepper shakers!
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