Does it harm a computer to leave it in freezing weather overnight?

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
I left my notebook in my car overnight in freezing weather and it didn't seem to have any effects on it. But that doesn't mean there isn't some kind of harm.
If it was powered off, then it should be no problem. Like Andy said, just let it come to near room temp before turning it on.

There is a range of operating temps for computers, but that is for when they are powered on. Extreme cold usually only causes the battery to get weak, so your system my act funny and shut down, or not power on at all (you might see a message about a P.O.S.T. failure - or Power On Self Test). Cold shouldn't hurt it, though.

Now operating in extreme hot conditions is another matter. I work in what would otherwise be considered a walk in refrigerator every night in order to keep all of the systems cool. I think I'm one of the few people in the world who bring a hoodie and fleece to work even on the hottest days of summer.
When we travel from MA to OH and back each holiday season, my Asus laptop is in the "trunk" (we have an SUV). It's in the cold overnight and never has shown any issues. Like the others mentioned, less it come to room temperature before powering up.

BTW, if there was a problem with doing that, Himself would take it in to the hotel room. He worked in IT for nearly 40 years and is very protective of electronics.
My only concern would be possible condensation on the electronics in the computer. So, try to avoid letting it warm up in a humid environment. I seem to remember reading that one should let them warm to room temperature slowly.
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