early bird

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Master Chef
Mar 13, 2005
Anchorage, Alaska
My younger son is up from San Francisco for Christmas. He and my wife both wanted a smoked turkey today. So....


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Not the usual snow drifts on the cookers?
In a t-shirt too??? :eek:
Awesome looking poultry Griff!
Puff, we haven't had much snow this year, which is OK by me. The Tshirt is deceptive, it was +7*. Note my breath.
Sure some was wondering when the seasoned citizen center gonna come collect the guest running around in a tee shirt while huffing frost at forty below. Now the Turkey looks like the Norman Rockwell print on the same topic.
It was exactly one year ago yesterday that I had heart bypass surgery. That is a major attention getter. So I have altered my lifestyle some. It is mostly more exercise and portion control. Thanks for noticing. My doc is still on my case about ethanol consumption, but a guys gotta draw the line somewhere.
Hey Griff...glad the surgery went well. My old neighbor had a 3 holer and he went from our age to a twenty year old. Blood going into unknown territory as best as could be figgered. Dont buy a Vet ands start running with cute meth hos. Thanks.
I don't recall any post from 2011 about any bypass surgery Griff. Did you forget to inform your virtual friends about that minor detail ?

Or did I overlook that thread ?

Turkey looks great .
bw, no Vet or cute meth girls for me. My one, and only true love are having our 44th anniversary in April. And I already got a cool car my dad restored and gave me before he passed -- a 29 Model A Ford coupe with a rumble seat.

Cliff, I didn't post much for a month or so while I was recovering. You didn't miss much.
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