Easy things to cook for beginners

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Assistant Cook
Sep 29, 2010
hey everyone. so im new to the whole cooking thing. what are some easy things for beginners to cook. any suggestions would be helpful. thanks guys
;)Welcome to Discuss Cooking. If you tell us what you'd like to eat we can tell you how to cook it. It would also be helpful to know what you have for cooking equipment.
well lets see. i would love to know how to cook some italian dishes. im a big fan of those. and as far as cooking equipment im good. i still live at home and my mom cooks a lot so i can use all the equipment she has. she has pot and pans a usable stove and oven. so everything im gonna need i think i have. im just a beginner though :D so nothing to complicated remember
You're in luck. There are probably more recipes for Italian foods on this site than any other.

I'd recommend starting with a basic tomato sauce. The ingredients are inexpensive and easy to prepare. The results can be very satisfying.

You'll have to dice some onion, mince some garlic, maybe slice some mushrooms, open a can or two and measure some herbs.

So do a search for some basic recipes and give it a try. If you don't like it, you can try making some changes until you end up with a finished product that you and others enjoy.

Write down the changes you make so you can repeat a success or correct a mistake.

Taste and adjust flavors as you go. The final result shouldn't be a surprise.
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Ground beef is one of the most versatile things around, and easy to do a variety of simple meals with (ground chicken, turkey, etc. as well).

Brown ground beef, breaking it up as it browns, and add:

Canned tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, onions, any other vegetables, for hamburger stew.

Canned tomatoes, rice, bell pepper, onion, dash of Tabasco, for Spanish rice.

Cream of mushroom soup, mushrooms, sour cream. Serve on noodles for hamburger stroganoff, or on mashed or baked potatoes, or on rice.

BBQ sauce--serve on toasted buns.

The possibilities are practically endless.


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