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Executive Chef
Oct 19, 2004
...lala land..............
oh my lord, just got in shower to rinse color off of hair.
I have little things, 4 of them, in me/on my skin but "in" my skin.
I looked them up and they are chiggers from me sitting in this vacant yard, where we were looking at a home for sale. sat on the driveway and watched hubby walk the property, who knew I was being climbed on? YIKES! I saw little things on my jeans and took them off but have been told of chiggers before by a neighbor who was originally from Tennessee.

I finger nailed them out/off my skin, looked at them under a very powerful magnifying glass and THEY WERE MOVING. This is a full 24 hours after leaving Tennessee. Now I have red bumps where they 'were'. I flushed them.

Am I okay? What to do with the red bumps they left? I read to sufficate them with clear nail polish like you do ring worm. Oh my gosh, I am in horror..........

help with any advice please, freaking out here...
thanks to you both. I did look up online what they looked like, googled it. one link says probably can't be seen by the naked eye. I could see them, and feel them as they are like little raised freckles almost. anyway, I see by reading these I've already done wrong by scratching them off with my nails. I found 3 more around my waistband area. Oh gee yeah! I'm gonna dot each of the areas with clear nail polish and pray hard that it'll be over soon.
It's been a while since I have gotten these things. We call them red bugs. Anyway, Lysol, dabbed on seems to kill them instantly. Sometimes after blackberry picking we would take a bath with Lysol added to the water just to be cautious. It does stink, but it does work!

Have Fun (?)
When we went on our yearly vacations to Missouri I always got a lot of chiggers. One year I counted 34 when I left. Most didn't last long but I had a couple hit a major blood supply and I had them a very long time. I tried the fingernail polish and I think it helped with some.

The thing to remember is to not walk around in tall grasses (you can have your yard sprayed for them) and not to wear a lot of tight clothing. They like to get in tight places, like under elastic.

Miss Barbara...I think our chigger population has been diminished somewhat due to Southern Fire Ants. Or at least I don't get very often. Stepping a nice ant hill, is fun! fun! fun!
I did look up online what they looked like, googled it. one link says probably can't be seen by the naked eye. I could see them,
I never could see them--and I had better vision than most--(unless there were a lot of them together, like under a chicken's wing), but my grandmother could see them. Of course, she could also walk through a pasture and pluck 4-leaf clovers like crazy. I have never found one in my life!

Miss Barbara...I think our chigger population has been diminished somewhat due to Southern Fire Ants. Or at least I don't get very often. Stepping a nice ant hill, is fun! fun! fun!
I think I'd take chiggers any day! I HATE fire ants. Twice they have caught me by surprise and I didn't notice until a lot of them were up my jeans legs. I looked like a nut running into the house. Thank goodness no one could see me ripping all my clothes off on the way to the shower--I really looked like a nut by then (the first time was at a friend's house)!

P.S. For anyone who has never experienced fire ants, if you wonder why I was racing for the showers like a lunatic--well they don't call them fire ants for nothing!
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Come to Kazakhstan---no chiggers, ants, fleas, or termites -----too freezing cold for them minus 40 here in the winter!!!!! But believe it or not we have seagulls, flies, and mosquitoes during the warm months---go figure. I do fondly remember chigger bites, however. I hope that you find relief soon. Applying a hot cloth as much as you could stand also helped relieve the itching. Same with mosquito bites.
Fire ants.... painful.
Running barefoot from fire ants through a yard infested
with needle sharp spiky weeds.... torturous!

I painted a lot of chiggers as a Boy Scout. If I
remember, calamine lotion is helpful for the itching.
I THINK there are products targeted toward them in
drug stores like Walgreen's. Not sure, but I think so.
i have no idea what chiggers are because we don't have them (i don't think)
(we do have flies, mosquito and seasgulls though hehe and lotsss of spiders :S and ants and termites and fleas) but this post made my skin CRAWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (pardon the pun) i am still sitting here like cringing lol
i hope u get id of those nasty sounding things!
i have no idea what chiggers are because we don't have them (i don't think)
(we do have flies, mosquito and seasgulls though hehe and lotsss of spiders :S and ants and termites and fleas) but this post made my skin CRAWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (pardon the pun) i am still sitting here like cringing lol
i hope u get id of those nasty sounding things!

Well, Rom, should one of those little critters ever hop a boat to your side of the world they would soon take over---they love warm, hot places. They are very tiny mites that burrow under your skin and they cause horrible itching and for most people reds bumps. They are miserable. I used to catch grasshoppers as a kid and see them hanging on for the ride. :LOL:
arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh expatgirl *cringessssssssssssssss* they kinda sound like ticks, get stuck in your skin, oh mannn i should not have come in this thread LOL :)
been walking in any long grass there expatgirl ;) thats not a chigger sitting their, puking its way into ur hair follicle is it ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (just made myself sick LOL)
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