Food no no's

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 30, 2004
I was just remembering when I was a teenager, that my sister who was younger than me,really knew how to push my buttons.:LOL: She knew that if I found a piece of toast or bread in the sink all soggy with milk or water or coffee, I'd gag til noon if I had to touch it. Of course it was my job after school to clean up the breakfast dishes and start supper.. Soooo dear sissy, always asked mom for TWO pieces of toast, would wait til mom was out the door then deposit the toast into a saucer, and top it off with water and leave it for me!!! Now my m-i-l was one of those Italian ladies who believed that the harder you worked the more love it showed..So everything had to be chopped by hand and the beautiful f/p my s-i-l got for her stood at ready and brand new til the day she passed away..I really didn't understand that way of thinking, but I let it go.. Now her other no no was eggs..You had to take off that little speck of membrane or she would not touch that egg..You could scramble, fry, poach, she'd take a bite and declare, you didn't remove the membrane..She never touched a hard boiled egg for that reason, but, how she could tell the membrane was there on a cooked egg,really threw me for a loop!!!
What about you, have anything that really bugs you about cooking or eating? Care to share?:LOL:
I guess you know, I alwys removed that membrane after the first atempt to not remove it failed:ROFLMAO:
My Ex would flip out if the different foods on her plate touched each other. You had to make sure there was empty space between the peas, potatoes and meats or run for your life.

I once made a cheese sandwich for my younger daughter that made her cry. At that time in her life, a cheese sandwich consisted of a slice of bread and a slice of cheese folded in half to make a half-sandwich.

Innocently, I placed a slice of cheese on a slice of bread and folded the combination in half. The waterworks began!

What's the matter?

You made it wrong!

How should I make it?

First you fold the cheese, Then you put it on the bread, Then you fold the bread.

Fortunately for me, I'm a fast learner!

She loved my choclate chip pancakes, though. Mom wasn't allowed to make them.
When I have pancakes with sausage or bacon the meat cannot touch the maple syrup. In restaurants I ask for a separate plate for the sausage or bacon. My brother used to tease me about this and would try to put either of them in my syrup.
things that don't belong in the food i'm eating bug me. like if there are toast crumbs in the peanut butter or there's a speck of something on my food i won't ingest it.
and i have no tolerance for thyme in my food. it's like chewing on little twigs.:sick: i won't eat my Dad's spaghetti sauce cause he puts thyme in it.
I always ask for my eggs scrambled and on the side. Not on the same plate as pancakes etc.
Our neighbor has a son who is about 16, and that kid has the weakest stomach I have ever seen! Even if you are just talking about finding a hair in your food, he will make a mad dash for the bathroom and toss his cookies! I always get nervous when I send something over there. Our dog sure does shed and I don't want this poor kid to find a dog hair and loose his lunch or anything.
I've gotten used to it, but my husband eats one thing at a time. For instance, if he has steak, baked potato, and squash on his plate, he will eat all of the potato, then all of the squash, and then all of the steak. I like to go back and forth and eat a little of each thing.

:) Barbara
it makes me crazy when i get chicken-parm-with-pasta-to-go and they put the chicken next to/on top of the pasta in the same dish to bake in the pizza oven, or worse, they dump the pasta on top of the chicken parm.. after a stint in the oven it turns into gooey cheesey pasta mess, with some plain soggy chicken breasts underneath or by the side. i always have to specify that it is put in seperate dishes, always each with extra sauce.

another current battle is with dw's favorite sashimi place. i have to admit that the sushi/sashimi is really good (i prefer thinner, longer slices. this place serves kinda chunks. however, extremely fresh and tasty chunks), but the chef always seems to add a few pieces of something somewhat inedible when you order a large combo plate, and request none of something. for instance, if you ask for no ika (squid). he'll add lots of stinky clam, or ikura (slimy salmon eggs), or monk fish liver. maybe mackerel shabu shabu (the fish was questionable, so it was dipped in boiling water for a second, but it still stinks).
sometimes, it looks like he just swishes some sake, goobers in the plate, and there ya go...
buckytom said:
sometimes, it looks like he just swishes some sake, goobers in the plate, and there ya go...

And how can you go wrong with a review like that!! :-p

Speaking of "goobers"

Peanuts. Love them - by themselves. Not in anything, not even peanut butter. Has to be smooth, not chunky-Yuk.
Barbara L

I have read articles that state that a person who eats this way is someone what finishes what they start.

I grew up watching my grandma pile all of her food in the middle of her plate & mix it together before eating it. I can't stand that!! I want my food seperate, touching is OK though. I also pretty much eat one thing at a time. I have a SIL who only puts one thing at a time on her plate whenever possible.
Wow, you guys and your syrup:LOL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :LOL: I like the syrup part but not the pancake...Pancakes no no, I'll take a waffle or french toast...pass the syrup please...bacon on seperate plate so I can pick it up and dunk it in the syrup by myself:LOL:

Run_Out said:
Barbara L

I have read articles that state that a person who eats this way is someone what finishes what they start.

Very interesting! That's my Maidrite all right!

:) Barbara
Mine is leftover milk. I just gag if there is just a little milk leftover in a bowl or if hubby leaves a little milk in the glass. It really gets me if he goes back later and drinks it - just gross!
Geez, the only thing I can think of is I want my hot food HOT. We'll have a big pot of chili or gumbo and hubby will turn off the burner and say, "It's still warm..." Ick! I have to turn the burner back on and get it HOT.
Like alot of you I don't like food mixing together especially wet saucy food like beans and cream style corn, drives me up the wall. I eat out alot at work and once I ordered what I thought was a chili cheese burger from this new cafe. I take it back to work with me open the box and the **** burger is completely saturated with chili. I mean you couldn't touch it without getting chili all over your hands. I guess thats why I was given a fork. The bun was so soggy I threw it all away, much to the dismay of my coworkers. They said that was how the cafe made them.:yuk:
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