Food Should taste Good Pita Puffs Cinnamon Sugar Review... Found this item at Wal-M

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
Found this item at Wal-Mart.

BEEN a REALLL long time since I last reviewed a product from this company.

what you got were tiny puffed multi grain pillow looking pita puffs with flavor on them.

This was not bad. It really needed the flavoring to taste good.

The tiny few in the bag that were not puffed up were not tasty at all though. Without the puff the product is worthless.

I give this item a medium sized thumbs up.

Onto the Multigrain flavor review...

Found it at all Wal-Mart.

Wheat, Rye, oats, Barley, And Brown Rice says the front of the package.

This was not bad. It really needed the flavoring to taste good.

The tiny few in the bag that were not puffed up were not tasty at all though.
Without the puff the product is worthless.

This was better tasting than I expected.

I still give this item a medium sized thumbs up though.

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