Food you wouldn't put in your mouth.

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phinz said:
They tasted like pond scum. They had a gamey, slimey taste to them that was just plain disgusting. I didn't even finish them.

Then they were raised/caught in a pool that wasn't running fresh water and probably were awful. We have had trout from ponds that had that muddy taste.

But for something I really wouldn't eat--sea cucumber.
Okay, okay.
Most things with vinegar.

I like pickles, and sauerkraut (sp.?)

I eat ceasar salad only.
I have tried many things - even ate things in other countries not knowing what it was!!!!!! The only things that I can think that I would never try would be dog or horse meats -AND live woroms or maggots - got the heebie jeebies just thinking about it ------
BigDog said:
White Castle is a fast food restaurant, somewhat in line with McDonalds.

In the southern U.S. it's akin to Krystal's. Teeny burgers with steamed onions served on a square bun. Not for the fast-food squeamish :LOL: I'm pretty sure they don't sell things like this in other parts of the world... more power to them!

Believe it or not...wish it was not true...but I go to this little town in Costa Rica...its 3 hours from the airport near one of the nicest rainforests I have ever seen - I am shocked as I just found out they put a McDonalds in............
In '04 I resigned from my job (since hired back) and spent four months traveling throughout the US, Canada, and Alaska. Spent most of my time hiking in national parks and eating in the cities.

I drove up through British Columbia and the Yukon to Alaska as part of the trip. After spending a week and a half in some of the most remote lands I had ever experienced, I pulled into Whitehorse (capital of Yukon) only to find Walmart, McDonalds, Subway, and all the other chains. I had this romantic idea of a small town or "outpost". It was just another big-box developed parcel like something you would see amongst the highway grids of the midwest.

Seems like most other places I visited were just like it except for a few cities like San Francisco which still have some character and soul.
Offal of any type is at the top of the list. I do like Gefilte fish - with horseradish - yummmm. Will not eat uni, eel, herring or mackerel. (Adore sardines, and like anchovies). No horse, dog, cat, marine mammal, or family pets. Okra and big ol' lima beans are are about the only veggies I won't eat. Limberger, liedrkrantz, and really "ripe" camenbert are not getting anywhere near my mouth. Chicken, quail, alligator, buffalo, venison, ostrich are big yummy's to me. Chipped beef on toast (made with diced hard boiled eggs), oyster stuffing, bugs, and anything with blood as a major ingredient are on the now way list. I'm on the fence about seaweed - and that reminds me - tried sea beans - NOPE! :sick::sick:

I am dying to try wild boar and pheasant. Good caviar is to die for. :-p:angel:
I can no longer do oysters.. and have never liked any organ meats. I also have trouble with mayo and sour cream sometimes. I'm not a fan of artichokes either. As for cheese, I think I would try most of them, but I know that some of them are simply too strong for my tastes. Oh, and I can't drink milk that isn't skim- sometime .5% milk is ok- anything else feels like I'm drinking fat.
Some Thai friends took me out to dinner tonight and I tasted two new things for the first time: Mantis shrimps and duck tongues. The mantis shrimps were all cut up I couldn't make out their original appearance. They probably look scary. However, they were extremely tasty and easier to eat than crab.

The duck tongues I don't want to ever have again. They came served in a medium-sized dish, probably 50 little tongues in all. (Imagine it took 50 ducks to cough up this order!!!) The tongues were fried and seasoned very heavily with toasted black pepper and salt. I didn't want to eat it but was urged by my companions. I bit into one and discovered that duck tongues have a thin bone and cartilage inside! It was like chewing on a tiny inch-long petrified finger!!! Ugh! Never again!
I love yam (Taro) and will eat it prepared in different ways. But the one style of preparation that I detest is 'Poi' which is basically cooked, mashed and fermented yam!

texasgirl said:
Clams:sick: The thought of something slimy in my mouth makes me sick!!

I'm with Ishbel, NO OYSTERS either! Haven't tried cavier, but, can't think of a reason I would want to eat roe.

I agree, on 4th of July some of my family members hace clams on a halfshell, which is just them opening an uncooked clam adding some sauce and eating it. I tried it once and I will never do it ever again. Eat raw clams shouldnt be healthy anyways.
Every now and then I'll get a craving for oysters - raw or BBQ'd but there's usually a lot of alcohol involved - like 6 Mudslides with Heiniken backs. If I get there it becomes a binge - but not very often.

Used to have a big problem with straw mushrooms - now I love them.
I'll try anything once(well, almost anything), but the one thing that sticks out in my mind is ballut. NEVER AGAIN!

I love balut, Tat. When I was small my mom would feed us balut and we didn't know what we were eating but it tasted very good. Now, I have to shut my eyes in order to eat it. (The key thing with balut is that it should not be older than a certain number of days.)

I also love oysters, mussels, and clams. I love shrimp roe and salmon roe too. Caviar I love, but only if it's beluga, sevruga or ossetra. Otherwise, the stuff like lump caviar and what not are not worth putting in your mouth.

Almost forgot to mention another favorite -- uni, or sea urchin roe.

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Anything that includes offal (except for black pudding). I am also not keen on fish particulary trout and salmon (except smoked salmon). I particulary find it difficult to eat fish that is cooked and served whole - those eyes staring at you and the tail really puts me off. We were served some in the Czech Republic once - my wife and I quickly sliced off the heads & tails with eyes semi closed into a dish for bits that was on the table.

I'm with others about things like frogs legs, rabbit & horse - probably wouldn't mind the taste - it is just the thought.
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