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That's cute! But Homer doesn't look right... it was a neat attempt though, but you are right - it is not the same.
That was good. Is that going to become a live-action version? I also noticed that Marge's car was reverse, with steering on the right side. Was this made in the UK, New Zealand, or Austrailia?
hey, that's pretty good. very good in fact!
i'd only noticed a few small mistakes.

like when homer gets out of the car in front of the garage, after avoiding lisa on the bike, he goes into the garage, then looks left, then right to avoid the second car.
the human homer only looked right.

and when maggie is sent over the scanner, a price pops up on the display.
in the human version, there was no price display.

otherwise it was really good! thanks ken. karma coming your way!!!
buckytom said:
...and when maggie is sent over the scanner, a price pops up on the display. in the human version, there was no price display.

Something I've always wondered about, when that price rings up, is what is it? It happens so fast that I can't really read it. I'll probably have to try to capture that somehow on my laptop, an advance the video frame-by-frame, but, I think it says "FREE".

Another triva thing, is that Bart always writes something different on the chalkboard in the opening credits. Someone, once, even recorded each one for an entire season. They're pretty funny. Matt Groenig has a great season of humor.
Here is a great site Allen. This page shows everything Bart has written on the chalkboard, but if you go to the homepage of that site you can find a ton of Simpson info.
AllenMI said:
Something I've always wondered about, when that price rings up, is what is it? It happens so fast that I can't really read it.

its says "NRA forever! " if i remember correct. :LOL:
I think it used to say that, but later I think it was changed to a dollar amount. I could be wrong though.
AllenMI said:
That was good. Is that going to become a live-action version? I also noticed that Marge's car was reverse, with steering on the right side. Was this made in the UK, New Zealand, or Austrailia?

Just looked at it again in full screen this time. Homie's wheel is on the left, Marge's is on the right....but they have non-us plates on the car. Also, did anyone notice Homer's....uh....backside when he's running into the garage? :LOL:
Hmmmmm..... pretty darn cool! Bucky is correct though. And no blue hair on Marge. In fact none of them has accurate hair. Lisa and Bart had red hair. Plus I think Marge should be much more attractive than how they showed her. And Homer didnt look afraid when the car was comming after him before he gets in the garage. He just look a little surprised.
I take The Simpsons seriously! :rolleyes: Its REALLY great they made it. But for 18 months, I expect a LOT more! A year and a half is long enough to make a good movie. I know..... Im nit-picking.
mugsy27 said:
its says "NRA forever! " if i remember correct. :LOL:

that only said "nra forever" in one episode, when the question of what popped up in the display was actually addressed on one of their "retrospective" shows. it was a joke about how the creators of the show were supposed to be gun nuts.

i've slowed down professional recordings of the show (lol, i had to do a test recording of something ) so i could read it, and it is just a random number on the display, something like 74362. i'm not sure if it's the same numbers on every opening sequence, i'll have to look into it.

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