Fresno Pepper vs. Jalapeno

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Senior Cook
Aug 21, 2006
Madison, WI
I've run out of my homemeade chipoltles and need to smoke more. I can only find Red Fresno peppers here and the the jalepnos are all green. They look identical. Are the same peppers with different names?


Thanks JG that's what I thought. I will need to find a red jalapeno source.
On a scale of 1-5 ... both the jalapeno and fresno come in at 3 (medium).

On a scale of 1-10 ... red and green jalapenos hit the scale at 5.5 - red fresno at 6.5.

On the Scoville Heat Units index - both can range from as low as 2,500 on the bottom end with jalapenos going up to 8,000-10,000 ... fresnos going up to about 10,000-15,000.

A jalapeno is a jalapeno - a fresno is a hybrid based on the hotter serrano. They have similar flavors- but the red fresno is hotter.
Well thankyou Michael. I will go buy a batch, give a quick taste and let the smoking begin. I absolutely love the flavor of the home made chipotles. I even smoked off a few habeneros and the are great and still very hot.

Billdolfski said:
The reason that they smoke Jalapenos is due to the thick flesh that doesn't dry well, correct?

From my understanding is that it's a flavor thing as well as a preservative thing. I smoked a batch last August and finally used them up. They lasted in the refrigerator with not other additions.

Smoking is a simple procedure for chipotles. 250-275 degrees for 2.5 to 3 hours. I put a pan of water in my Weber to help keep th tem down. I use hickory chips for smoke but you could use the wood of your choice.
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