Fried Alligator

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Fried alligator is just fine. I had it in southern Florida quite a few times. When I was an over the road trucker I would often get layed over very other weekend. I found this little truck stop way out on the north west side of Miami on the edge of the everglades. There was a Tiki hut bar there. They served fried alligator. I would sit and bs with the air boat captains that gave tours. They would not touch the fried alligator calling it crap. saying thats not real gator. I want a chunk of gator tail to make the way the captains told me it should be made. On the grill!

That would actually be in Broward County, on US27, just north of Griffin Rd.;) Used to be called Seminole Truck Stop. If you take Griffin Rd west, you run into Everglades Holiday Park.
Fried alligator is just fine. I had it in southern Florida quite a few times. When I was an over the road trucker I would often get layed over very other weekend. I found this little truck stop way out on the north west side of Miami on the edge of the everglades. There was a Tiki hut bar there. They served fried alligator. I would sit and bs with the air boat captains that gave tours. They would not touch the fried alligator calling it crap. saying thats not real gator. I want a chunk of gator tail to make the way the captains told me it should be made. On the grill!

Of course it was their opinion on how it should be made/cooked. I love fried foods. I will take fried chicken over any other preparation method.
I have never had grilled alligator, but the fried I have had was excellent and I would say its the best way. Just like the captains said grilled was the best way........LOL

That would actually be in Broward County, on US27, just north of Griffin Rd.;) Used to be called Seminole Truck Stop. If you take Griffin Rd west, you run into Everglades Holiday Park.

Memories of the hood.
The unfortunate thing about fried alligator is more times than not it is really small pieces and they over cook it. All you can taste is breading. When done right it is really good fried.
The Crocodilia (or Crocodylia) are an order of large, predatory, semiaquatic reptiles.

That makes it a big lizard!

YUP, and it walks like a lizard too....

It is a bit fishy, but more texturally rather than taste, I think. Which surprised me, because you might expect tough muscle meat. Alligator cheeks, anyone? Fried crunch on the outside, soft gator tail meat on the inside, it's nommy.
A local pizza shop serves "Everglades pizza," featuring wild boar sausage, frog legs, python chunks, and alligator tail pieces. Things were pretty chewy, but not bad. Those are little froggie legs complete with toe bones sticking out the sides.


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    Evans Everglades pizza.JPG
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I live in Florida on a large lake,I could have
gator tail anytime I wanted it. But I don't like it.
I think it is highly over rated. It is tough and
flavorless the flavor is in the spices that restaurants
use. I have cooked it several times but I don't eat it.
I am with Craig on this one, It taste like gator.

My Dad had alligator one time and he said it was tough and tasted gamey. Was that a bad cook or just Dad?

If it was tough, I'd say bad piece of gator or way over cooked. Yes, like other wild game it can have that taste. Even farm raise. Most folks first taste of gator is usually fried, but try it in a Cajun sauce piquant before claiming dislike.;)

BTW, welcome to DC!
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