Fun pics

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my boy at the fair this past summer:

frog at night

thanks to everyone for all the great pics. this frog was hanging out in my backyard.:)


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I took these in Erie, Pennsylvania last week. Read the headline, then what it says on the bottom of the newspaper rack. I just thought it was kind of ironic!



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thanks for the cool pics B L

loved the pics and you know we are looking for the ones you took and are taking in NY. looking forward to more. keep having fun you two.
boy your cat looks like my thomas, what food is on other side. i need new glasses. babe

babe - there's a squirrel sitting on the other side of the door. This squirrel comes to visit all the time - most times drives the cat nuts. This time the cat just decided to walk off - I THINK to get a fork though :chef:

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