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Master Chef
Aug 25, 2004
Columbia, SouthCarolina
I have internet access at home again!!! I can only be on-line for about 15-20 minutes at a time though.:mad: Oh well, it's better than nothing. I'll talk to y'all later!
Nice to see you again. Do you have to hand-crank it to get it going? Is that why it can only be for 15-20 mins at at time? :LOL:
Great to see you Crewsk!! We missed you so much!! I hope you and your loved ones are doing well... we have lots to catch up, so fill us in with more when you can!!:) :) :)
Welcome back Crewsk, now it really feels like all the sheep are in the fold:LOL: Really, so happy to have you back, you've been truly missed.

Yea, you're back! I've been hoping you'd be able to join us all again soon. I've missed you bunches and am hoping that you, TC, Savannah and your DH are doing well. Check in when you can--I'll take 15-20 minutes for now!:)
Welcome Back Crewsk! It put a big smile on my face when I saw you posted. We've missed you a lot. I hope your family and yourself are doing well. I'm sure your 2 are enjoying the summer just as much as mine kids are.
Thank you all so much!! When I posted this, I thought things had slowed down but they seemed to really speed up for me. I have missed being here more than you can imagine!! Before we got back online, I had a piece of salmon & was about to go crazy because I didn't have anyone to help me figure out what to do with it.:rolleyes: I finally just rubbed it with some good Cajun seasoning & grilled it. My time limit on here is a very long & complicated story. TC & Savannah are doing great. Savannah has learned how to swim underwater, now if I could just get her to learn how to swim with her head out of it! TC spent a week at camp with the kids from church & had a great time. They are going to be leaving this Friday to spend a week at the lake with their grandparents. I'm not going to know what to do with myself!! :whistling Oh well, I'll figure out something!:LOL: Hubby is doing good too, he seems to be enjoying his job other than being stuck in a 100+ degree building all day. Well, I'm going to look around for a little wile, things have changed so much around here I may need a tour guide to show me around!
crewsk said:
things have changed so much around here I may need a tour guide to show me around!
You called? :-p

Great to see you again Crewsk!:cool:

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