Graduation time is here!!!

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Master Chef
Oct 31, 2006
Newport News, VA
Gonna brag a bit about my youngest. He's 22 and graduating this weekend from the University of Virginia with a Bachelor's in Psychology with a minor in Astronomy. I know weird combo but that's what classes interested him! He'll be working as a research assistant in the psych dept for the summer while he polishes a project paper for possible academic publication with help from his professor. We'll be leaving tonight to go to Charlottesville for the festivities. Hope the weather holds out! Best part about it is the college bills have finally come to an end! Both boys paid for! Anything from here on out they are responsible for coming up with the funds.
I'm one proud mama!
Congratulations! Your work here is done! Almost...... Buy believe me when your children are finally monetarily responsible for themselves, your life changes! Have a great time at grad and kudos to your sons!
Here's my boy! And the family at UVA.


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