Grilled KFC review

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
I picked up a 7 piece bucket of this stuff and I am going to review it.

The bucket had some wings, legs, and thighs in it.

The chicken does have some grill marks on it which was a nice thing to see.

It wound up with a different taste then the original chicken. I thought it was a good taste though.

The pieces of chicken I got were small though which I did not like. It seems like they are sacrificing the smaller pieces for the grilled and leaving the bigger pieces for the original recipe chicken.

Going grilled though does cut out a lot of the fat, sodium, calories, etc....

Also made it less greasy which is nice.

I am only going to give this KFC product a medium sized thumbs up due to having small pieces.
After looking at the commercial for this stuff I thought the commercial had the big pieces of grilled chicken that I wanted to eat.
I'm thinking that perhaps the size of the chicken pieces haven't changed, it's just that they haven't got the coating to bulk them. We are not getting grilled KFC yet but I'm sure it will come.

We have Red Rooster who sell baked or grilled chicken pieces who compete with KFC in a similar format but I think our mob like the fatty/greasy option better.
About two weeks ago I had a sample piece at KFC. (I was in a rush, running late ect).

I don't know for a fact but I am going to guess that this stuff is cooked off site and just reheated. It tasted good in a way that Pringles taste good. You know its not the real thing but...
I'll weigh in after I eat my free piece. There was a coupon in today's paper for a free piece, so that's what'll be part of my lunch on Wednesday. There's no KFC here in town. The closest one is 30 miles away and Wednesday is my shopping day.

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