Guess which movie

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I loved the surround sound in that movie, Pacanis!

Okay, here is one of my favorite movies:



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Not one of the Narnia movies!

Okay, how about a quote for clue #3:

Narrator: She's lived for 400 years and hardly aged a day; but, because this is England, everyone pretends not to notice.
OK I can't stand this WOMAN!! LOL


I knew right away! And it wasn't Contantine or Narnia LOL
Give me you netflix info.
We've gotta get you into some new movies :LOL:
The more clues you give, the further away I get :wacko:
I own that movie and I don't recognize those scenes.:wacko:
The first one was dinner at Taco Bell.
The second one was outside after the fight outside Taco Bell when they stole the food.
The third was when Simon Phoenix confronts Dr. Cocteau

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