Gurney's seed catalog

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Farmer Jon

Sous Chef
Sep 14, 2014
Pender Nebraska
My boss lives across the road from us. He got a seed book and have it to me because he don't order anything. Wife said we got one too. So I threw them together on the counter. Thats when I noticed the difference.


Why would the send 2 people 2 differant books? This is just the first page. The 50% off catalog is on the top.


So if my boss did order anythi g he would be paying more. That makes no sense. If we were in differant parts of the country maybe I could see it. But we are across the road. Our mail boxes are on the same post.

I will not be ordering from them anymore.

I get my seed from MIgardener | Gardening Is Our Craft
I get bombarded by their catalogues too. Id say every few weeks I get new ones with different offers. I know what their best offers are, so I always wait around for that one to come around before ( and even if) I order anything from them. Even aside from that, once they get you on their mailing list ( email) You receive emails (almost daily) about the " Best offer" or the " Last Chance" blah blah blah.

Although I understand the marketing game, I hate being ' played'. I feel like it's an insult to my intelligence. Sure I like to get the best deal, but i also don't mind paying a bit extra for quality, reliability and honesty. So basically, if I think i can get the best deal off of them, I will, but the rest of my business I usually go elsewhere. i win, at their expense!

As for how 2 people across the street from each other ( assuming you're int he same town/ zip code) get different catalogues with different deals. can't explain that.
Coincidentally , I just went to my email immediately after I replied to this thread, and look what I found. Couldn't have timed it better.


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I guarantee Ill get another email either later today, or tomorrow with a ' new deal' that will expire soon .... A bunch of crap.
I prefer to be sold and impressed on their quality than marketing gimmicks.
Again, I understand that they are just playing the word game/ marking game.
Just have to be a smart shopper, and do whats best for yourself while using better judgment .
Here are the two I got yesterday.
It never ends.
They're just fishing, trying to find a deal to get you to ' bite'
So they're throwing it all out there.


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Does anyone else here collect seeds from year to year for planting? That way you can zero in on the crops and types of tomatoes/peppers you want.
I have saved chard and lettuces, green and purple basil, tomatoes, peppers, while lacking in the area of onions (though I'm covered now), and green beans. Onions only stay viable for about a year while most other things stay viable for 3-8 years. (that can be looked up on viability for seeds in charts on the internet)

I've decided on my two types of tomatoes, a PQB roma and a san marzano. The first will set 20-50 tomatoes, each growing to 2.5-3 inches, a lot of production, small seed gel nodules, thick flesh. The second gives me 3-4+ inch tomatoes, small seed gel nodules and a thick flesh, medium amount of production. I like them both for sandwiches but mostly for making sauce. Last year I grew 9 types of tomatoes and these two gave me the most and I was able to can 80+ quarts of tomatoes in one season mostly due to these two types. I have extra seeds saved for these two because we liked them so much. I have some available if anyone is interested, purple basil too.

I usually end up buying some kinds of green bean and pea pod seeds as mine tend to dry out and they only germinate at about a 30% rate.

I don't think I'll end up buying from a catalog at all this year but I do like looking at the pictures, especially of the new colors of some things, and new vegetable types.
I used to save tomato seeds, squash , okra, beans.

Over the years I've been buying the plants more and more and planting by seed less due to convenience and laziness.

There was one tomato variety I had kept around for about a decade. The original seeds were ' pure' but have now stopped germinating. I saved some of its seeds from its offspring, but I'm sure there was cross pollination, so the end result wasn't the same.
But Im excited cause Im in 'planning my next year's garden' mode, Ill probably start ordering stuff next week.

I just wish I had more room to do everything I want.

I have to be creative with ' vertical gardening', container gardening all that stuff to maximize my efficiency
For whatever its worth, Ive gotten 2 more emails from Gurneys ( with 2 new deals, which I better hurry up and use before the offer is no longer valid) since the last time I posted about their emails ( 2 days ago). It never ends.

I keep back green bean seeds I do t k ow why I always buy more.

I also have a bag of saved green bean seeds, but i always buy more too. I think my biggest fear is that the seeds won't germinate and ill lose valuable time, So I feel comfortable just buying a fresh batch of seeds. Im probably just paranoid.
We really had a hard time with our green beans. We planted 2 rows and when they came up, the rabbits ate the sprouts, about 2/3rds of them. So we replanted in the bare spots, and they then ate off about 1/3rd of them. So two weeks from the last time, we replanted again in the bare spots. We did get quite a bit of beans, they were just tough to get started! We ended up having beans right into fall.
I got a pleasant piece of mail yesterday. It was from the Salvation Army. It read, "Are we sending you too many pieces of mail asking for donations?

It then gave me a choice of how many times I wanted to receive mail from them. Monthly? Biannually? Annually? And then it asked just how much I wanted to donate. And what month. I am so grateful to them for being so considerate. I wrote a check for a small amount, filled out their questionnaire and wrote a "Thank you for being considerate of my wallet."

This has always been the only charity I donate to. Mainly because you never, ever hear of any scandal regarding their financial practices. I also noticed that they still use the same stamps that we use.

Too bad all purveyors of goods couldn't follow their example.

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