Happy Birthday Cooking Goddess!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Steve Kroll

Wine Guy
Mar 29, 2011
Twin Cities, Minnesota
Happy Birthday CG! Hope you have a great day! :)

Happy Birthday Cooking Goddess!


  • happy-birthday-and-travel-on-5.jpg.jpg
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Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! and you know the rest.... Have a GREAT day!
Happy Birthday, O Traveling Goddess! :flowers:

May the good highway spirits be with you, and the birthday celebration carry on through your visit with family. Here's to a great year! *clink* :)
Hi All! Just wandered over to the Back Porch before heading off to bed and found this! I will have sweet dreams all night.

Steve, the image wasn't there, so I clicked on the "image" box in your post. Apparently Photobucket is doing late-night maintenance - but their message did include a cute animation of a kitty clinging to a blanket. :LOL: I guess he slipped off the bed.

Aunt Bea, trash pick-up was exactly why we didn't leave until Monday - the trash man came for our hot weather rotting garbage and we needed to stick around. Certainly weren't on the road at 8:37 AM! Thanks for the balloons. They were a nice touch.

Than's a nice, old VW van, PF. Luckily, we don't pack too much in the warmer weather and the Sonata has plenty of space. ;)

GG, I love it! :heart: You know I love my Tribe. Funny thing is, not one of the three players shown below the bleachers now plays with the team. That's OK, the guys they have now keep on winning. Winning is good.

Kayelle, I see that cute little hedgehog peeking out from behind those beautiful flowers. Thanks.

Addie, 39 is way back in the rearview mirror. :LOL:

Cheryl, the Travel Gods watched over us nicely. Monday was just the start of CG Birth Week. Now that we're here, let the party begin.

Thanks again to all of you. :flowers:

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