Happy Birthday jkath

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Happy Birthday

I bet your friends have hard time thinking up something to get you. On here, you seem so in the know about things. Hard to figure out what you haven't seen before. Wishing you many more and continuing to keep us in the know. Have happy day. May you continue to eat avocados and lemons any time you want.
jkath, you were among the first, if not the first to welcome me here. I've always felt good about that.
I wish you a wonderful birthday and a year filled with nothing but love, health and happiness.
Happy Birthday to our Dear Jkath, May you always get your Wishes and Dreams today and always. Love and Hugs Maidrite :chef:


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I hope it was all you wanted it to be!!
I almost didn't get on here tonight, I'm sure glad that I did now!!

I hope you are having a wonderful birthday! I emailed you a card, but I don't know if you got it (the copy I sent myself never arrived).

:) Barbara
Happy Belated Birthday jkath. I am sure you had a wonderful time with your family. You are a very special person and have helped me out a lot with how to do certain things on our Discuss Cooking Site.

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