Happy Natn'l Popcorn String Day!! ~ 12/13/20 ~ What Else Are You Eating?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
How apropas!


I made a big pot of Hawaii-Style Beef Stew yesterday and stashed it in the `fridge to meld together.
I'll be making a fresh pot of steamed White Rice to go with.
Once Sunday Supper is cleaned up, I'll divvy up what's left for the deep freeze.

Whatcha makin? :chef:
I started doing the prep for tonight's supper, but I only got part way and then I pooped out. I'll use that tomorrow or the day after. We ordered from a local Italian resto, our second favourite, because they have an antipasta that they call The Butcher's Board and I had a hankering for that. This is the description, "Butcher Board: Prosciutto di parma, cacciatore, salami picante, speck, parmigiano reggiano, provolone, gorgonzola dolce, grilled artichokes, semi dried cherry tomatoes, fig jam". it also has slices of grilled, seasoned baguette. Stirling had lasagna.

BTW, I couldn't tell which was the prosciutto and which was the speck. I didn't notice a difference. Whatever, it was yummy.


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