Happy New Year Everyone AT DC!

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
Best wishes to all for a happy and healthy 2016!


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Rather late but Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

I was struck down with 'flu in December just managing to recover in time to drive the 200 miles down to Yeovil in Somerset to spend Christmas with cousins. I then caught the cold to end all colds on Boxing Day (sorry, 26th December). I'm just getting over that and yesterday I slipped in the stable yard and fell over, dragging a heavy wheelbarrow loaded with straw on top of me, resulting in cracked ribs and extensive bruising. Boy, does it hurt!

I'm hoping that that will all constitute the whole of my accidents and illnesses for the next year!

The 'flu was the result of arrogance on my part so I think I may have been punished for it. The Doctor's surgery sent me an appointment for a, old people's (free) 'flu jab but I informed them that I NEVER get 'flu, have a healthy outdoor, active lifestyle, etc., etc., so no 'flu jab required, thank you. Ahem. I think I'll go when they invite me next year!
Hi MC, and welcome back..glad you're feeling better now. Yep, those of us who have ever had a bad bout with flu will never say no to flu shots again. I also learned that lesson the hard way, years ago.
Rather late but Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

I was struck down with 'flu in December just managing to recover in time to drive the 200 miles down to Yeovil in Somerset to spend Christmas with cousins. I then caught the cold to end all colds on Boxing Day (sorry, 26th December). I'm just getting over that and yesterday I slipped in the stable yard and fell over, dragging a heavy wheelbarrow loaded with straw on top of me, resulting in cracked ribs and extensive bruising. Boy, does it hurt!

I'm hoping that that will all constitute the whole of my accidents and illnesses for the next year!

The 'flu was the result of arrogance on my part so I think I may have been punished for it. The Doctor's surgery sent me an appointment for a, old people's (free) 'flu jab but I informed them that I NEVER get 'flu, have a healthy outdoor, active lifestyle, etc., etc., so no 'flu jab required, thank you. Ahem. I think I'll go when they invite me next year!

Gee Mad Cook, I can feel your pain. I had a really serious cold deep into my lungs for six weeks before it finally broke. I am still coughing, but it is a much easier cough. Lousy way to spend the holidays.

Like you, I too never get the flu. I am the one that takes care of everyone else when they get it. One year my four kids and husband had the flu. So did my sister, her husband and four kids. Right at the same time my family was sick. So I moved my family to my sister's house and set up business of nursing. Oh joy!

Just get better. Right now our temperatures outside started out in the low single digits. So I am staying in. :angel:
Nice to see you again, Mad Cook! Sounds like you've had hellacious time for awhile.
Hi MC, it's good to see you back. I'm sorry to hear you've been so sick, and hoping your ribs heal soon from your fall. :( Here's hoping to a MUCH better year for you. :flowers:
HI MC. Welcome back to the wide and wonderful world of DC where it's always a sunny day somewhere even if it's not in your own backyard.

Hope you are on the fast track for a quick mend.
Welcome back, Mad Cook! I've been wondering over the last several months how you have been and how your dear Horse is, too. Glad to see you even if you are a bit battered. Get well and healed soon.
I just wanted to add something about the "Flu" here, and I'm so glad you're on the mend MC. Nobody is immune to the flu. The best bet has been proven to be the flu shot. Guess what Addie, you had the Flu.
The true "flu" is a serious long respiratory illness, with other nasty symptoms. It can be deadly to many.
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I just wanted to add something about the "Flu" here, and I'm so glad you're on the mend MC. Nobody is immune to the flu. The best bet has been proven to be the flu shot. Guess what Addie, you had the Flu.
The true "flu" is a serious long respiratory illness, with other nasty symptoms. It can be deadly to many.

+1. And there's no such thing as the stomach flu, either. That's almost always a case of food poisoning. As Kayelle mentioned, flu is respiratory, not gastrointestinal.

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