Happy Passover to all celebrating tonight

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Sous Chef
Sep 24, 2004
New York
:) May all your celebrations include good food AND good company as good company compliments the food and visa versa!!!
Love and energy, Vicki
happy passover to everyone.

now would someone close the door. what, are we heating the whole neighborhood? :)
Commemorates the Exodus and freedom of the Israelites from ancient Egypt. Passover marks the "birth" of the Jewish nation, as the Jews were freed from being slaves of Pharaohand allowed to become servants of God instead.
The primary symbol of Passover is the matzo, a flat, unleavened bread which recalls the bread that the Israelites ate after their hasty departure from Egypt. According to Halakha, this bread is made from a dough of flour and water only, which has not been allowed to rise for more than 18–22 minutes.
The term Pesach also refers to thelambwhich was designated as the Passover sacrifice (called the Korban Pesach in Hebrew). Four days before the Exodus, the Jews were commanded to set aside a lamb (Exodus 12:3) and inspect it daily for blemishes. During the day on the 14th of Nisan, they were to slaughter the lamb and use its blood to mark their lintels and doorposts. Up until midnight on the 15th of Nisan, they were to consume the lamb. Each family (or group of families) gathered together to eat a meal that included the meat of the Korban Pesach while the Tenth Plague ravaged Egypt.

Happy Passover from a Christian brother!!

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