Hard-boiled egg, peeled, how long in fridge?

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Sous Chef
Dec 4, 2007
Austin, TX.
I like a hard boiled egg at work for a snack in the am.

I usually boil about 4 on sunday, peel them, put in bag in fridge and then take 1 each day till gone.

is this safe? somebody told me to leave the peel on.. but to peal them at work would a hassle.

Thanks, Eric Austin Tx.
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I searched this, as I was curious, and the answer given was 'one week in the fridge, peeled or unpeeled in a sealed container'.
Grocery stores sell peeled eggs in bags here. I never looked at the expiration dates, but I agree, a week should be fine.
How long have you been doing this and have you gotten sick from it or died?

I think he's still alive or we've been hacked.:LOL:

I love hardboiled eggs! I think up to a week or so in a sealed container is okay. I'm not dead yet...I think...

No, I'm okay. :ROFLMAO:
Well, he hasn't posted in two days. Who knows what may have happened since. He might be dead by now. ;) :LOL:
Those eggs that are sold already peeled in plastic? Nitrogen added? If, when you open them, and don't wrap them up tight after opening, the yolk starts protruding out the side after a few days.

The egg shell is a nifty container for hard boiled eggs.
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Those eggs that are sold already peeled sold in plastic? Nitrogen added? If, when you open them, and don't wrap them up after opening, the yolk starts protruding out the side after a few days. I'm not sure why that happens. It's throw away time tho.

I would think those are meant to be eaten the same day they're purchased.
I would think those are meant to be eaten the same day they're purchased.

Nah, they have date codes that show at least a month ahead.
Funny how the egg yolk starts forcing it's way thru the side if you don't Saran wrap them tight after opening the nitrogen filled clear plastic pouches they come in. If wrapped tightly in Saran wrap after opening, they keep nicely. If not, the yolk starts coming thru the white part in a few days. I'm not quite sure why that is.
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Nah, they have date codes that show at least a month ahead.
Funny how the egg yolk starts forcing it's way thru the side if you don't Saran wrap them tight after opening the nitrogen filled clear plastic pouches they come in. If wrapped tightly in Saran wrap after opening, they keep nicely. If not, the yolk starts coming thru the white part in a few days. I'm not quite sure why that is.

Interesting. I'm not one to avoid all processed foods, but I'll draw the line at month-old cooked eggs.
I think the idea is to offer a nutritious alternative to some of the quick foods available in convenience stores, like when you're on a road trip.

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