Help! apple/caramel sandwich cookie...

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Assistant Cook
Oct 15, 2007
Kent, Ohio
I'm going to try boiling canned evaporated milk for the first time. As a canner, I'm tempted to break out the 'ol pressure cooker, but either way I'm anxious to get to the end result which I'm hearing comes out very similar to dulce de leche.

My plan was to make some apple/pecan cookies and sandwich the gooey caramel conconction between but what I need to know is...will this stuff harden some? Is this a good idea? Or would it be best to just shmear the caramel on top as an icing? Since I've never worked with it, I'm not sure what to expect in regards to consistency given time to set (if it even will).

So that's my question. I hope I get replies...
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Hi everyone.

This place looks great and I'm excited to be here. I have a question though, and it pertains to dessert. Is there a dessert thread where I should post this question-o-mine, or just under general?

The only time I've tried this is to make banoffe pie, per the original recipe. Worked well but I didn't boil the cans for five hours - I think about three. Here is a link to that recipe. Hope it helps! (You do need to go to the deserts forum with this also:). Yes, the weather is great right now isn't it, but just the season for your recipe - let us know how it turns out!

Banoffi (Banoffee) Pie Recipe - The Hungry Monk Restaurant - Jevington, Near Eastbourne and Brighton, Sussex, England T: 01323 482178
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Sounds like the Alfajores I make. The Dulce De Leche is sandwiched between a buttery cookie. Mine doesn't harden much, then again, they get eaten quickly. I fill them just before serving. :) I've not heard of making it in a pressure cooker. Not to say it can't be done. I do it stove top.

I think we should add the recipes to Chef June's thread!
thanks Loprraine. I was doing a little research and found a recipe that added butter and powder sugar to "a" caramel concoction. Not necessarily what you make, or what I'm going to attempt, but the butter and sugar might help harden the middle so that it's not too soft. ??? What do you think?
Maybe a baker could step in here and help. :) I think the dulche is sweet enough, I don't think I'd want to add any sugar to it. If you don't overfill the cookies, and keep them refridgerated, they should be fine. I'm the most un-baker person you've ever met!!! I'm kind of at a loss on this one.
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