Help Me ID Yet Another Flower

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
SO was given a couple of bulbs with no idea what they might be. They've grown quickly and blossomed. Here are some pics. Looks like a lily of some kind. Any ideas?


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Yup, Amaryllis!

I love em, you can almost see them grow. Nice if you have young children around to see the quick results.

Could you tell me where you found those support rings, I usually end up using a bent coat hanger or a stick and a piece of ribbon to keep them from tipping over.
Could you tell me where you found those support rings, I usually end up using a bent coat hanger or a stick and a piece of ribbon to keep them from tipping over.

You should be able to find them at any garden center, Aunt Bea. We have several for propping up irises and other garden plants.
Thank you, ladies. It's so much easier to come her with flower questions than to search the internet for something that looks the same.

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