Help my son garnish his pasta salad for school

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
My son has his cooking final project next week in school ( high school)

He decided to make his favorite pasta dish which is Bowtie pasta, mixed with garlic oil, chopped spinach and feta cheese.

He gets extra points for his presentation/ garnish.

Any suggestions on what garnishes could be added to pretty up this dish ??

Thanks in advance
Some suggestions:
Chopped red bell pepper
Chopped fresh basil
Thin shavings of Parmigiano Reggiano.
Does the garnish have to be part of the dish or JUST a garnish? I like the look of those long strings of lemon zest around the edge of the plate. You have a lot of green and white, if he added a couple of cherry tomato "tulips" and some lemon zest it would perk up the color a lot.
julienne sundried tomato & toasted pignolis & kalamatas, halved or as is. tapanade could be used, too, w/ the tomato~
Well, being the typical teenager, he didnt quite pay attention , so im not %100 sure. he will find out tomorrow.
I think something just to "pretty it up"

I agree about the a lot of green and white.

I thought about adding grape tomatoes for the red
I like the black olive and parmesan shavings idea too.

In addition, i think the lemon zest, scallion garnishes would also make it look nice too

Ill let your know what he decides.

On sunday, we will do a test run and see what we come up with.

Unfortunately, ive been without a kitchen for a few weeks, so i have to wait for the weekend to cook at my moms house.
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