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Master Chef
Sep 14, 2004
Ok......I have no clue when it comes to this. My son has finally decided he's going to go to his Senior Prom. I myself never went to any of my high school dances.....I thought I was too cool :LOL: . Now that I'm older and wiser I totally regret rebelling against all that and I hoped my kids would go.

But my oldest, the baseball player, is now dating the cheerleader and they decided last night they were going to go.

What the heck is the guy responsible for and whats the girl responsible for?

When I went to my senior prom, the guy was responsible for his tux or whatever, the meal(especially if they're dating), car(or limo), & a corsage for the girl. Most of the time if a limo was taken a group of people got together & paid for it.
So many kids seem to think they need to spend an arm and a leg. They don't!
He is responsible for his tux, her corsage and either he can pay for the dinner or they can go dutch, depending on how they usually pay when the go out on dates.
She's responsible for her dress, and hair/makeup and for his boutineer.
Some girls expect a gift, such as a necklace or a bracelet. Puh-leez. It's not a wedding, it's a dance.

If they feel like they must rent a car, I'd advise you to have them go a different route.
Police are aware of prom night happenings, and are looking for drunk kids out on the road. Also, if he rents a car, it will undoubtedly go under your insurance policy. If he gets in a wreck, there's a chance someone will sue the pants off of you. Consider that.
(sorry, husband used to be in insurance, and we've seen many cases exactly like this)

Be warned, that many kids also rent hummer limos (or at least out here), which are unbelievably costly, just so they can say they did it. They also seem to think they need to rent a hotel room ('cause after all, Mom, everyone else is getting one') Don't listen! They all aren't.

(jumping down from my soapbox)

Yep, everything jkath said is exactly right!! I should have clarified on the car part, I went to the prom with my now hubby & he drove his car. What he saved on renting a limo we spent on donuts after the prom.:LOL:
Thanks so much crewsk and jkath..........exactly what I thought but wasn't certain. He's going to be fitted for his tux tonight......ohhhhhhhhhhh I'm so excited. He has his own truck. I'm going to discuss this with him. A limo is out of the question as far as I'm you said its not a wedding. We'll work out a plan if he does decide to go to a party to call us if transportation is needed. I don't condon underage drinking but no matter how much we educate our children its ultimately their choice once they are put in a situation where there is alcohol involved. All I can do is hope and pray he remembers my words of wisdom. He has a good head on his shoulders so I'm confident he would do this. I'll def. be posting photos next week. Thanks again!
Its an unbelievable feeling crewsk. I asked him today if he was excited and he said, "I hate to dance". I laughed and told him all he had to do was shake his butt and he laughed. I can't wait to see him in his tux he's going to be gorgeous.....well he's gorgeous anyway but I know its going to be an Wow moment.
One more thing (to 1. keep him out of trouble and 2. give him a fond memory)

When I went to my prom, it was with a boy I barely knew (nobody ever asked me out in high school, and he overheard me telling my friend that I wish I could go with her) but, he did ask me (it was our only date) and her parents made the evening very special. After the prom, the four of us kids went swimming (in the middle of the night!) in her pool, and then 4 of the parents planned a breakfast picnic on the beach at sunrise.
I'll never forget how pretty everything was. I was even a foodie then!
Maybe you could plan a little something for him, his date and his friends?
I want to see pictures too Sizz!!! My son said he and his girlfriend weren't going because it was no big deal. I found out on Monday they went - I cried all afternoon.
I have to say that most of this advice is great. I, however, loved taking a limo to my prom. It made it a much more special night. It was not very expensive either even though we got an antique Rolls Royce limo. It was split between 4 couples (well the 4 men paid) so it really was not a lot of money. We did it because while you are right that it is not a wedding, it IS still a special night and should be a little different than just going to any other dance. I love looking back at those pictures and seeing the limo and all of us piling in. It is a great memory. If it were not for the prom them unfortunately a lot of peoples first limo experience is for a funeral since a lot of people do not need a limo for weddings anymore when the wedding and reception happen at the same place. Just my two pennies :)
Sounds like you both had a wonderful prom. I truely look forward to it even though it seems to be quite quite expense for a dance.......a minimum of 300.00.....but its his first dance so its worth it.
I'll def. let you all know when its over and request help to post the photos.
When my daughter went to her Senior prom, a group of us mothers got together and prepared a very fine dinner for 6 couples. I don't remember the menu, but it ws very elegantly presented and the kids had a ball. This saved a lot of money for the young men, and we stayed out of the picture, except to serve the meal. I think having a responsible adult drive them is the way to go, either by pooling money for a limo, or whatever. There was no question of renting any hotel room, either. An after prom party at someones home sunds great, but I wouldn't want to not know where my kids are on any night. Old fashioned, I guess.
For my prom no one went out for a meal. We ate at the prom. My parents would never have allowed us to get a hotel room (smart parents they were), but they did allow all my friends and dates to sleep over their house. They stayed upstairs so we could have our privacy (as much privacy as 12 people in a living room can have). Dad made a big breakfast for all of us the next morning.
I know that when my daughter is ready for her prom she will NOT be getting a hotel room no matter what.
Well discovered tonight that the guys have an away game (double header) prom night so we may end up with quite a few upset girls on our hands because they may not make it back until an hour before prom. I can't wait to seem them all dressed up though. I got to see his girlfriends dress today and its beautiful. I kept asking him what color it was and neither was sure of what color to call it so she brought it to the game. So we're (my son and I) off to go by her corsage tomorrow. I thought I was suppose to buy his flower also but she wants to buy for me :LOL:

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