Hogmanay Ice-Cream

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Executive Chef
Nov 16, 2004
Flavoured with Drambuie, this ice-cream is great with clootie dumpling, or Eyemouth tart, or even plain apple pie!

4oz caster sugar
6 tablespoons water
6 egg yolks
7 fluid ounces double cream, lightly whipped
3 tablespoons Drambuie

(I have been told recently that a British 'tablespoon' holds more than a US tablespoon - so this will make quite a difference to a recipe!)

Bring the water and sugar to the boil in a small saucepan and then set aside. Whisk the egg yolks in a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water. Once they are light in colour, add the water and sugar mixture and whisk until it forms a ribbon. Then remove from the heat and continue to whisk until it is cool. Add the Drambuie and the lightly whipped cream. Freeze overnight.
Yes, I've made it lots of times!

It was only recently that I read somewhere that the US and UK (Imperial) 'tablespoon' measurement was different. The UK one was about a quarter bigger (if I recall it accurately!) BUT, I can't find where I read that...

This conversion chart makes it even BIGGER than I thought!
My grandad used to drink Drambuie............for breakfast!!!!! bearing in mind he got up to work on the farm at 5 and had is first wee dram at 9, the equivalent of lunchtime I suppose, not so bad. I have never tried it myself, but I will get some for Christmas and make this. I love home made ice cream.

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