Honeymoon Fish Tacos

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Master Chef
Sep 17, 2009
Newark, OH & Indian River, MI
I am up on Mullett Lake with my daughter and her new husband and a few of their friends on a belated honeymoon. I'm not a fisherman, but the young guys spend all their time on the water. I'm along as the chief cook and bottle-washer. They had not caught anything to brag about until Friday. Now we have more than enough small mouth and perch to have a fish taco feast.

Hillbilly Hand Fishing! Not exactly, but very unconventional catch for this small guy while clowning around Friday morning..

Catch of the day. These are the three biggest. Scott Tallman, Ryan Halloran, Joel Tallman.

Ryan's wife had a pretty good catch too, she was batting "clean-up."

On the Chaney

Fixin's ready.

Two really bad plated pictures, but the tacos were great! BTW - That is not my beer.

Damn bbquzz I was just up there last weekend, should of stopped in!!! Was at my Aunts place in Cheboygan....

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