Hooters Discussion

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Chef Extraordinaire
Nov 9, 2011
East Boston, MA
I called my daughter today. Her birthday is the 21st. She loves pineapple anything. So I asked her if she would like a pineapple upsidedown cake for her birthday. She told me she would rather have it for Easter. Okay. Then I got to thinking. I looked at the calendar to see when Easter was and saw that it would be during her week of chemo. Hmmm. This idea of mine is slowly dying. So I call her back and we discuss it further. We finally left it that after she is done with her chemo, sometime in April she will call me and let me know she is ready for her pineapple upsidedown cake.

I then asked her how my granddaughter is doing in nursing school. She has finals coming up and has to take time off from her job at Hooters. (I hate to even put that name to paper.) She has to study. Then her next semester her clinicals begin. Even her mother agrees with me. This profession just doesn't seem like her. Little Miss Prissy cleaning someone's dirty backside, having a patient vomit right there in front of her? Drawing blood, and all the other nasty stuff that as a student she will be required to do? When it comes to book learning she has always gotten straight A's. Now she has to put it all into practice. Please dear Lord, protect those unsuspecting patients.

And then there is her job at Hooters. She makes great money. She should. She has the body and experience of being a darn good waitress. And she can put anyone in their place when there is a need. But come Monday, ALL employees have been told that the district manager will be in and wants the whole staff there dressed in proper business attire. Uh oh. I told my daughter that I just read today that Hooters has gone from a $1B business down to $8M is just two years. So they are going to be trying to lure women in. They will be changing the decor, and making the place less of a man cave. There will probably be a change in the girls uniforms. Less sexy. (Sorry boys) This will be interesting.

So ladies, knowing that Hooters wants you to go there with your husband, would you? And for you men, do you like the idea of the change? Do you want to bring your wife or SO there? Are you willing to give up your man cave without a fuss? Will you still go there? :angel:
I go to Hooters with Shrek all the time...and I'm not the only wife or SO there. I like talking to the girls and they are great sports.
I go to Hooters with Shrek all the time...and I'm not the only wife or SO there. I like talking to the girls and they are great sports.

My GD works at the one up on Route 1A. That one is not bad. But the one across from the Boston Garden, there is always trouble after a game is played. Mostly when the Boston team wins. And if they are in the playoffs, all bets are off. That particular one has a bad reputation. :angel:
When I said half dressed I meant skimpy. Didn't think they were naked. Nothing wrong with taking your hubby to a place like that. I was joking with PF. Sure she knows that.
When I said half dressed I meant skimpy. Didn't think they were naked. Nothing wrong with taking your hubby to a place like that. I was joking with PF. Sure she knows that.

The girls used to wear crop tops. T shirts that were cut short. They now wear full T shirts. And they do have rather skimpy shorts. But they are not jiggle shorts. Those are the ones where the bottom of the butt hangs out and jiggle when they walk. Acutally quite respectable. As someone pointed out, you can see worse at your shopping mall. :angel:
The girls used to wear crop tops. T shirts that were cut short. They now wear full T shirts. And they do have rather skimpy shorts. But they are not jiggle shorts. Those are the ones where the bottom of the butt hangs out and jiggle when they walk. Acutally quite respectable. As someone pointed out, you can see worse at your shopping mall. :angel:

Sounds kinda boring and PG. So much for movies :LOL:
I'm South African remember ;p Never been to one. It's a restaurant with half dressed girls with big breasts isn't it?

Big breasts are not a requirement. Willingness to wear the skimpy clothes, serve food and booze to a mainly male clientele and an outgoing personality is. I don't go with Shrek to strip clubs and he doesn't go when it's my turn. Hubba hubba! Yes, I am a feisty old lady who appreciates the male form...
Big breasts are not a requirement. Willingness to wear the skimpy clothes, serve food and booze to a mainly male clientele and an outgoing personality is. I don't go with Shrek to strip clubs and he doesn't go when it's my turn. Hubba hubba! Yes, I am a feisty old lady who appreciates the male form...

Nothing wrong with that :LOL:
Don't mind looking at pretty body myself, I'm only human ;)
I just hate strip clubs, when the undies come off I don't know where to hide my head unless I'm drunk :ohmy:
I've had 2 bad experiences at places like that. The strippers always target me and I end up whipping things and eating jelly tots from strange places.
I think I'll stick to looking at firm buns in tight jeans :angel:

Strange topic for the baking thread but buns were mentioned atleast!
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Moved to it's own thread.

Good one PF!
How about some PG buns to go with that?!

This is the type of show I was talking about...


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It's been a long time since I've been to Hooters. We used to go there for lunch since it was close to the office. Last time I was there, I was pregnant with the yungun (he's almost 25) so I guess I'd go. They could go the sports bar/restaurant route and still get a good business going but the food needs to be good IMO. Not sure what the menu is like now. I remember good food but things change a lot in the food business.
Shrek and I love the appetizers, fried pickles, cheese sticks and onion rings. We will also clear up a platter of shrimp and/or hot wings. Usually end up there with a bunch of Shrek's friends, couple pitchers of beer (soda for me) and have a great time just chatting and eating. The burgers are good, not great. I'm usually the only female in the group, so I chat with the girls.
I have never been to Hooters but did go with hubby and his friends to a strip club. It was a spur the moment thing, we were all bored while having a night on the town. Wasnt too bad.

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