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I believe that everyone should do as they feel best for themselves and those with whom they are close..


Wearing a cloth mask is not just for oneself or the people with whom one is close. It's for everyone who could possibly breath in the air that one is exhaling.

Cloth masks help cut down on virus transmission from asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic infected people. In other words, people who don't know that they have the disease. If someone knows they have C-19, they shouldn't be out and about, risking other people's health, even with a mask.

I haven't even been going out, but I wear a mask when I open the door for a grocery or meal delivery. I most likely don't have C-19, because of my minimal exposure to other people, but I still don't want to possibly put those delivery people at risk. Cloth masks are quite good at keeping someone from spreading their microbe infested droplets that can infect other people. They do some amount of good at keeping other people's droplets from getting into the mask wearer's mouth and nose.

However, I have read this recommendation from several doctors, when we had a horrible heat wave a couple of weeks ago, here in Quebec. The recommendation: while it's hot and humid AND you are outdoors AND you can maintain the 2 metre distance from other people, don't wear a mask.
The only time I don't wear a mask is when I'm gardening in my back yard. Otherwise, going for a walk, going to neighbors back porch, going shopping, I am wearing one of the many masks I have made. The New Mexico Department of Health says everyone is required to wear a face covering in public except when eating, drinking or exercising. Most people in my small town do not wear one in public. We are a tourist town and most tourists are not following the recommendations of the NMDOH. Tomorrow evening the town council will vote whether to make mask wearing mandatory in the town limits. Knowing the positions of the council members, they will vote to make it mandatory. That will be interesting!
Okay, I did. This is part of one page I found. As far as I can tell, OSHA guidance for employees tracks with CDC guidance for the general public.,when respirators are otherwise required.

I hope you're not referring to the thing going around on Facebook where someone who says they're OSHA-certified claims that masks don't work to prevent the spread of Covid-19 because blah blah blah, bunch of irrelevant stuff. I trust infectious disease specialists, public health experts and epidemiologists before some random person on Facebook.

I have seen that post, but that was not my intent. I could say, "according to OSHA (or CDC or CMS or WHO)", my intention was to have someone look at what is being said. As with other things, don't take my word for it, look it up and make up your own mind based on what YOU have read, not what I tell you. I've tried very hard not to throw in my take on it, only going over what I do and have been told to do for my job.
Ditto here, Ross. Made a big uh-oh this past Saturday when Himself and I ran out to pick up our chicken dinners. I have a number of masks in my car console. He wanted to take his car. So we get down to the club holding the cook-off, I'm the one with the rain jacket and it's drizzling...and I have no masks in his car. :ohmy: I had to use his. Fortunately he had not been out for at least a week, so any germs should have expired by the time I used it.

Ooops, maybe I should run out to the car and grab his mask. I need to wash it...
I don't go out at all except for Dr. appointments, well I got a hair cut and I'll soon have a pedicure to keep my sanity. ;)

Today I was scheduled for a breathing test with my Pulmonologist in a large medical building. I was masked and winded by the time I got there. Among other breathing tests, I had to walk up and down a long hallway with a mask, and I was sweating and darn near passed out I was breathing so hard. My point is, I would never go out in public without a mask. Masks are very difficult for me, and that's why I need to stay home.
I have no use for maskless people, there's simply no excuse.
It was a unanimous decision by our town council. Face masks will be mandatory except for exercising, eating or drinking in the town limits. Police will be doing foot and bicycle patrol handing out masks at first and tickets second. $500 fine or 90 days in jail. Most/all foot traffic centers around the historic town plaza so it will be easy to patrol. I walk 4 times a week in this area. I am very happy this will happen before the holiday weekend. Northern New Mexico gets a lot of tourists from Texas, Arizona, and Colorado because of the cool climate compared to those states. Tourist season has been slow so far.
It was a unanimous decision by our town council. Face masks will be mandatory except for exercising, eating or drinking in the town limits. Police will be doing foot and bicycle patrol handing out masks at first and tickets second. $500 fine or 90 days in jail. Most/all foot traffic centers around the historic town plaza so it will be easy to patrol. I walk 4 times a week in this area. I am very happy this will happen before the holiday weekend. Northern New Mexico gets a lot of tourists from Texas, Arizona, and Colorado because of the cool climate compared to those states. Tourist season has been slow so far.

Congrats to your town council Beth, I'm glad to hear it. You live in such a beautiful and remote place, I'm glad to hear that a small town (6,000) like Taos N.M. has the good sense others don't. Nobody can hide from this nightmare. Stay safe and happy friend.:flowers:
To me wearing masks is not only common sense, but also obvious. It's not just about you, it is about people around you.
Who have not seen a movie, a doctor show? Doctors are always wearing masks, especially in operation room. Why? So not to pass their microbes on to you. Come on people, don't be selfish, think.
You do not like wearing mask, well , neither do I. I have problem breathing, as is, definitely even worse with mask, but that is the only way we can stop the spread of the diseases.
Please wear the mask, or stay home.

Sorry, just venting.
Heard some bad news yesterday. I just hope what I say next will be a wake up call to all the stupid people NOT doing the right thing through all this mess!
Firstly how dare you! What makes YOU feel so special that YOU knowingly exposed YOURSELF without protection for days to a person that's been tested positive to Covid 19. Then had the audacity to keep it quiet until after the fact. Come home all happy and cheery, wait a day to tell your beloved family members what you were up to?
They are now sitting at home waiting for the test results to come back.

I really hope KARMA bites you in the ...! :mad:
My rant is over....For now.

I am totally a diet coke-aholic. I don't have many vices, but this one I need to own. Some drink coffee. I start my day with diet coke.
I saw this today. Wish I could turn it into a poster for outside of our building. :angel:


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I saw this today. Wish I could turn it into a poster for outside of our building. :angel:

They woke me briefly while I was still intubated after my surgery. I remember it, although it was like a dream, but I was in distress not being able to talk or breathe on my own. Not a fun experience.
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