How do you get to sleep faster?

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Executive Chef
May 25, 2004
Mission, Texas
Over the past 7 weeks, I've been exercising around 7:30 p.m. then feel sleepy and ready for bed about 10:30. Thing is I'm tossing and turning until midnight or longer. I'm able to get 5 1/2 to 6 hours daily. Argh! I thought exercise was suppose to help sleep better. I may be exercising too late in the day but it's the only time I have to work out with DH. What do you do to go to sleep faster/earlier?
working out in the evening caused the same trouble for me. Gotta do it in the morning.... so I get up really early (4am) so by 9pm I am completely exhausted and dont have a problem sleeping thru.
It's nice to do it with someone but it makes more sense to do it on my time.
I hit the gym earlier in the day. Then I work in the afternoon, and slow down before dinner. I do something like feed the pups or catch the TV news until we eat. Minor chores. Yesterday I re-oiled my cutting board and saddle soaped a pair of boots.

I have one of those cordless AM/FM headphones so I can listen to music or Coast-To-Coast in bed. Perhaps a 1/2 shot of 100% agave tequila on the weekends. I favor Don Julio and Patron.

If you follow that line of thought you'll see that all of the stressful commotion is earlier in the day. A nice ride on the Trek or the Harley doesn't hurt to just get lost in my own thoughts.

Overall, I believe it's the 'mind' not the 'muscles.' Be good to yourself and you do get into sync.
try and work out earlier in the day and see if that helps.......for myself I really don't work out after 2pm if I can avoid it......then when I'm restless I play all sorts of mind games.......start with the alphabet and list all the fruits and veggies, animals, sports, flowers, animals, etc.....sorta like counting sheep......your mind usually gets so tired you fall asleep......I used to ask my DH how an oil rig worked but he caught onto me.......that definitely put me to sleep.......:)
Since what keeps me awake is my mind ruminating and worrying....
I keep it occupied by telling myself a story. It's quite an involved thing
with me as the hero of course, fighting dragons and wizards.....
For some reason it works like a charm. If I advance the story a "page"
a night, I'm lucky. A few minutes before I go to bed I sit and review the
last night's event(s), then contemplate what happens next. Then off to bed
to think it throo.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
On nights when I can't sleep, I t oo listen to Coast to Coast . People are sure far out sometimes. There are times where program content keeps me awake like having outer space visitors, come through walls? However, I have never been able to exercise with partner. I don't want to get hung up on whether or not they feel like exercising. Has to be individual decision. I know my pups are always willing and ready except for the older dog that puts guilt trip on me because he loved to work out with me. Little dog Shih Ztu but he could trek 3 miles in heat and cold. When I think about him being left out sincere heartache. He is hold ing his own with the acupuncture. Has been sure inspiration to me to keep moving. I think doing in beginning of day is best. Your body feels like you have t aken care of it afterwards. What a shame I had to find out after 25 years of rotten marriage.

Take care of your body and it will take care of you. If you go with you hubby all the better. I am thankful he wants to exercise too. Be grateful.
I have one of those cordless AM/FM headphones so I can listen to music or Coast-To-Coast in bed. Perhaps a 1/2 shot of 100% agave tequila on the weekends. I favor Don Julio and Patron.

Overall, I believe it's the 'mind' not the 'muscles.' Be good to yourself and you do get into sync.
I thought about listening to soft music too. I'll try that tonight.

DH is a strong believer that it's my MIND playing tricks on me. I stay there thinking TOO much of the stuff I have to do the next day.
me as the hero of course, fighting dragons and wizards.....

I am so glad that you wrote that!

From this moment forward I am no longer the craziest member of DC.

Oh, BTW, I also remember one thing my Dad told me. Beds are for sleeping. If you are tossing and turning, get up. Read, do a simple project until you're tired. If the bed becomes a torture chamber instead of a welcoming place the problem may persist.
Take care of your body and it will take care of you. If you go with you hubby all the better. I am thankful he wants to exercise too. Be grateful.
Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful that DH works out with me. He too is losing weight and feeling healthier. Lately, we've been playing volleyball for 2 hours with our kids in the backyard. We all get the exercise and better yet, spend time together. Funny how we don't crave junk/fatty foods anymore. We are sticking to good, healthy eating and we feel great.
I am so glad that you wrote that!

From this moment forward I am no longer the craziest member of DC.

Oh, BTW, I also remember one thing my Dad told me. Beds are for sleeping. If you are tossing and turning, get up. Read, do a simple project until you're tired. If the bed becomes a torture chamber instead of a welcoming place the problem may persist.

Hey, you're not the only crazy one here. I too envision myself being the hero and slaying the dragon!

Have you seen my midnight posts lately? Those are from the times I can't sleep and get out of bed to stay busy and eventually, tired. Thanks for your suggestions.
Hey, I AM the dragon........

if you have nagging worrisome thoughts I try and do what I read about several years ago and it really helps me........if you're worried about this or that and it's keeping you up at nights.....first of all realize that worrying the night over the problem is not going to help you one whit, you need your rest to cope with getting thru the next day.....then imagine yourself putting the specific worry in a tightly sealed jar......give yourself permission to worry over it for a certain amount of time each day (no more than 5 minutes) and then you're done with it.......every time your brain starts to dwell on it imagine yourself corking the jar and placing it on a high shelf...tell yourself that you've already worried over it and it's time to put the problem out of your mind....I'll worry about this at 3pm tomorrow and go on about your'd be surprised at how much this mental image works at easing the mind.......when DH is out of town I fall asleep on the couch listening to some Russian station with classical music which generally comes on at night........
Have you seen my midnight posts lately?

:LOL: I was telling a member a few days ago that I ought to start a pool for when the mods pitch me out into the street--if one hasn't been started already. (And if there is one going, tell me where I can send fifty bucks...)

One of things I try not to do is post late into the evening. Oh, I lurk and read, but if my mouth gets ahead of me, I start to speak the unvarnished truth. It's part of my coat-of-arms:

In biker, veritas.

When my niece stayed with us last week we watched a lot of "Hannah Montana." That show should be bottled for chronic insomniacs.
Now, now, really need to watch your sugar intake..........:) The only reason that I've caught Hannah Montana Pollyanna is due to my 5 year old granddaughter........veritas!!!!!! You want to talk about buttoning it up??????
It truly is a vapid show. Not even my 12 year old daughter watches it. They stick to SpongeBob!
Last week on "Food Detectives" they dispelled the myth about triptophan being the reason we all get tired after thanksgiving. Turns out it's the full tummy!
Try having a little more in your stomach before going to bed. And, that could be a nice glass of warm milk or one with ovaltine (since it doesn't have caffeine).

Sweet dreams!
Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful that DH works out with me. He too is losing weight and feeling healthier. Lately, we've been playing volleyball for 2 hours with our kids in the backyard. We all get the exercise and better yet, spend time together. Funny how we don't crave junk/fatty foods anymore. We are sticking to good, healthy eating and we feel great.

Sounds like y ou got the BEST going for you if the kids are involved. Even better than without them. That is what I would strive to impress on them that exercise can be fun and good for a person. I am proud of you for including them in your efforts. I don't really see that enough. Keep it up, they need it too!
isn't there a disease called "diabetes insipidus"? Believe me it's alive and well at my house.........I have had to watch Hannah Montana and her father cavort across my TV along with the laugh track (there's a reason) and also the sugary twins.........more is better, I I commented before, I just have to button it up........
The overriding idea I'm hearing is that you should be relaxed before you lay down to sleep. I agree.

If you're taking the problems of a day/a life to bed with you, no wonder you toss and turn.

One of my buddies used to comment on problems in a unique way. His view was that all of the problems we face were simply part of the human experience that has recreated itself many times over the millenia. And as such, there is nothing you are facing that has not been conquered successfully before you came along. Quite astute for your average resident throttle jockey.

He used a wry smile and stated, "There is no problem that cannot be solved without a few pounds of high explosives."

As macho as it sounds, he was right. All of the problems facing you now will someday be the dust in someone's attic. That promotion, those missed deadlines, a scratch on your best 1,000 dollar sashimi, your lost earring--all will someday fade away.

When I retired, I took off my wrist watch and threw it up onto our living room credenza. There it sits in a pile of dust so thick it looks like a Halloween prop. I wish I could take credit for the idea, but it's the opening scene from "Easy Rider."

The issue here is I waited for too many decades. I was the guy who always arrived to everything ten minutes early. So what did it get me? Do you see a CMoH pinned to my chest? I worried for nothing. And I took much of that worry to bed.

My high school poetry teacher opined that 85% of the things we worry about never happen. I think he set the bar way too low. In my life, fully 95% of the problems that ruined my sleep never came to pass.

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