How much are you paying for gas/heating oil where you live?

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Senior Cook
Oct 20, 2006
Norwalk, Connecticut
I'm beside myself- $3.39 a gallon- $60 to fill up my V-6 Jeep Grand Cherokee?? That's just too much, not to mention that DH drives all over the State of CT for a living. In addition, we just paid $3.45 a gallon for our last heating oil delivery this week, it'll take us 'till June to pay for this year's oil.

I think its going to be ramen noodles twice a week from now on for us....I'm curious, how much are you guys paying and has it caused you to cut back elsewhere yet?
$3.20/gallon here in Alabama.
$3.35/gallon in some places in Mississippi.

I'm going to be spending the money on getting my bike fixed in a couple of weeks so I can burn only $10 a week on gas instead of $40.
I feel like my last oil delivery was around $3.69. Our bill was over $500 and that lasted about 4 weeks.

Gas is around $3.11
I paid $3.07/gallon for gas 2 days ago. It's definitely going up. There seems to be a big difference in price across the country. 3 hours away at the coast, it's $2.89/gallon. But an hour north in Austin, it's ~$3.20/gallon.

I have electric heat now and the climate is very temperate here. But I sure remember the oil man from when I lived in Massachusetts 22 years ago!
Here in Michigan I think dh is paying like $3.35 for the car. We are on the budget plan for our gas heating- its going up- but we have been paying $63.00 a month.
I just paid $3.45 a gallon over in Ohio this a.m. !!!!!!!!

thank God I got rid of the Volvo and now drive a Corolla, 41 mpg never sounded so good.
Buck bought gasoline this afternoon and paid $3.12 per gallon.

The price of EVERYTHING has gone up. This time last year I paid 59 cents per dozen for eggs. Now they are $1.89 per dozen. Milk is almost $4 per gallon and that's for 2%.

Buck and I have definitely cut back on some things, beginning small. Instead of having our one can of soda with lunch during the week, we now only have soda on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Drink water instead on Tuesday and Thursday. For our "special" breakfast on Sundays, I've been serving dishes that don't use many eggs. I'm economizing on more but can't remember just now.

It's been making me crazy when I shop every two weeks as I see the price of things going up and up and up and up.
We're paying enough around here that traffic is changing! It's much easier to get to and from places now which is good... on the other hand... less cars being driven means fewer car accidents which is why my hours got cut way back. Well, that's one of the reasons.
The last time I bought gas it was $3.12. We have natural gas heat - I'm not sure what it is right now. I bought a Ford Escape Hybrid a couple of years ago - since I bought it, I fill up every two to three weeks instead of weekly like I used to with my Tempo.

We've been cutting back on expenses, too. I now make a weekly dinner menu and shop sales more carefully, so I don't buy more than I need. And I'm not going out to lunch as often as I did last year. Got careless about that.
:) I don't know how people that that don't make a lot of money but make mostly around minimum wage are going to be able to drive to work or afford anything else and if they have kids:(? If we were allowed to get political on DH I would be spewing my guts out right now.
It's 3.39 in this part of Ohio today. Where to cut back??? I was considering not ever buying organic eggs again when I paid 4.12 for a dozen at the local Kroger! But thank goodness - my significant other got the hook up where he works and I am now getting farm fresh eggs for 1.00 a dozen!!
I just paid $3.29 for reg gas this morning for my work van, $3.89 for diesel for my pick up truck. Gas and electric for the house has been about $260.00 to $300.00 per month. We've lowered the thermostat a few degrees . We've been cutting back on eating out and going to happy hour. We now try to limit that to once every two weeks or so. Also cutting out vacation for the next two years. Hope something breaks soon....
We have natural gas and that is at .97 per therm, our total bill for this month was $50.47. Only $27.08 was actually for gas the rest was delivery charges, service charges, and taxes.
As for gas we still have several coupons from Food4Less that save us .15 a gallon so right now we are paying $2.979.
We have only two more of those coupons left...

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