I blame GB for this!

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Head Chef
Jul 7, 2004
I was checking out the photo section one night, and Sheila saw the photos of the new kitchen table that GB posted.

Our new kitchen table and the matching buffet stand will show up next Monday.... :mad:

GB, this is all your fault!! :-p

(I'll try to post some pics once everything shows up)

I think if you sent me enough beer that my refelxes were dulled then I would not be able to post pictures like that. We are getting ready to buy an entertainment unit. You might want to send a batch before I whip out my camera again:LOL:
whatever, don't buy a new commercial style 6 burner 2 oven duel fuel range and post the picture. I want one, yes, but can't afford it yet. Plus it's either the bed or the range as far as room goes. Yes the range is more important, I know that, but...I do sleep once in a while. lol
Robo, you mean one of these? Yeah, I want one too! (But I got a stinking table instead!)

Mrs ronjohn,

This is my newest purchase. If you need to follow suit then I understand :cool:


  • murcielago_3.jpg
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Thank God Sheila doesn't like sports cars!!! :-p

And she's already got her armored personnel carrier, er, SUV...


GB said:
I think if you sent me enough beer that my refelxes were dulled then I would not be able to post pictures like that. We are getting ready to buy an entertainment unit. You might want to send a batch before I whip out my camera again:LOL:

Maybe see if you can get him into the Sam Adams brewery with all you can drink samples, ronjohn55! :stuart: :mrgreen: :stuart:

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