I Want to Lose Some Weight

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Start to visit gym and consult with an trainer or nutritionist. Good luck!
Hi LiiZz-LiiZz, and welcome. First I want to congratulate you on your desire to eat better. We can all learn from your example. Next, when people say talk to a doctor they are right in my opinion. Any change in eating habits or increase in exercise can put a strain on your system, so it is best to make sure you are healthy enough to diet. I know, it sounds funny, but it's common sense.

Personally, I've had results with what I called All Things in Moderation. When I started to lose weight it was January of 1998 and I didn't want to be the Big Mama at my kids' high school graduations in summer of 1999. Yup, I planned that far ahead since it's best to take weight off slowly but surely. 1-3 pounds a week is recommended. I didn't even really watch my meals that closely for the first five months - I just started to walk each and every day. If I was at the local mall (I worked there) I would "lap" it each day - about a mile if I walked both floors. If I was at home I would walk our block, which was about 1 1/4 miles. If the weather was bad I walked a treadmill for a mile - in the beginning it would take me at least half an hour to walk that mile. When I really started to watch my food I never really did completely deny myself any foods I liked - I just watched like crazy that I ate a small portion and not too often. If it was ice cream I had a 1/4 cup of the real stuff. But maybe only once or twice a month. The prettier the bowl, the better it tasted.;) By the end of the roughly 1 1/2 years of diet and exercise (which it really didn't seem like) it had lost nearly 40 pounds.

Unfortunately, when we moved from our lifelong home to MA I was sad. Depression eating is a bear. Apparently those 40 pounds were waiting for me here! So...time for me, too, to get busy walking and eating less.

Good luck to you! Wishing you much success in your efforts.
You can check out Fitness Magazine's Workout and Healthy Recipes sections for ideas on how to get yourself started. You can even make your own custom workout videos if your interested. Good luck!!
Hi everyone. i have lots of will power. 2 years ago I was 11.5 stone=161 lbs to my 4'10 height. I had problems walking breathing and didn't feel good about myself. In 2 years I went down to 8 stone=112lbs, which is better for my height. the excersize i did was mainly walking taht you were talking about but also did a lot of housework, cooking from scratch wich take energy and if you don't put much fat in it burns more calories than it gives, without cutting down on flavour if you use a lof of herbs and spices. housework, it is a good allover exsersize, bonus you have a clean house.

this is how I did it, first of all get moral support close to home WW is good but you need that support at home so you don't get tempted to crab for them chips or chocholate bars when watching telly or any other activity.

#1. Will power of steel, make up your mind this is what you want and don't let anythign get in your way.

#2. cut out most fat ie, cream, cakes, biscuits(cookies) chips(fries) chrips(chips), and anything with high fat content. Very hard to do if you are not keen on cooking. For me it was the easy part I didn't eat much of it anyways.

#3 cut down on starchy food ie, potatoes, pasta, rice and other grains. don't eat more dry grain with every meal than you can fit in your hand. eat one small potao with your meal or opnial 5 chips (fries) seems very little. and the tip about lot of water before is a good tip.

#4 eat no more than 100 grams of meat if you eat meat or a vegerian option. you can have 200 grams of fish because it don't contain as much protein and fat.
will put recipies on later for low fat food which I have made up myself.

salt makes you retain water and gain weight even though you haven't put on any in fat. water weighs more than fat and muscle weighs 3 times more than fat per volume.

hope this has been of help to you lot. feel free to pm me for more tips will put more on including my low fat recipes.
My husband and I have lost weight by exercising daily with P90X. It's a weight lifting and cardio combo program with a healthy diet. Swap out the white breads, rice and pastas for whole grains, whole wheat pastas, wild/brown rice. NO sodas, NO refined sugars, NO fats. Cook with olive oil and Omega 3 butters/margarines. Check that your foods don't contain more than 4 grams of fat per serving. CHECK everything, but I mean everything you buy. Get the baked chips if you must have them. STICK to portion size!!! Walk every day for 45 minutes to an hour and add some light weights to your exercise every other day and you will begin to see results. Good luck.
that is all good advice, I can't do weights anymore due to athritis so have to find things in my daily life that burn calories. As you say dina portion size is very important, if you can't eat less use a smaller plate it works because you think you put more on your plate. eat with a smaller fork or spoon so it takes a bit longer and your body has time to digest and feel it filling up.


Before, I was sat down a lot and ate quite a lot. But then i changed my eating habbits and started just walking about a bit more. walking with my dog

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