I want to switch to brown rice but I'm timid

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Hey Sizzlin,

Hope your maiden voyage with brown rice went well. I am somewhat of a brown rice fanatic. I have probably cooked close to 7-8 thousand pots of rice in my life. While some people may achieve good results using a rice cooker I have found that the heat is set too high, which makes you have to add way more water than I like.

For many years I would never measure. Just put rice in pot, add water, pinch of salt, and cook. I would wait until the aroma from the pot was just right and voila, perfect rice. This method takes a lot of practice and you must watch the pot very closely.

Now I like to just set and forget until done, so I now use the following formula:

1 volume (whatever you cook) of brown rice
1.5X the volume of rice - water (I know 2/1 is more common)
pinch of salt.

Bring to full boil, then turn to low simmer for 50 minutes. Done, perfect.
It is easy, especially if you have a preset simmer setting on your stove. You may have to adjust the time to fit your stove.

Best wishes for the New Year!
I love brown rice, but not in many of the things I use white rice for. I don't think of it so much as a substitute for white rice, but rather as something related but different. Kind of like comparing mashed potatoes and french fries. I love them both but wouldn't care to have ketchup on my mashed potatoes or gravy on my french fries.

I don't go crazy over rice although I do like it. It's just not something I crave. I do like the nuttier flavor of brown, and especially like it in a mix of different grains. There are a just a couple things that I really prefer white rice with . . . gumbo, fried rice and jambalaya. Other then that it's brown.

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