Killer Cat!

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Master Chef
Sep 14, 2004
I was sitting her earlier and out of the corner of my eye what do I see a little critter scurring across my floor. I immediately sprung into action and activated a mousetrap with a tasty cheese morsel. I quietly sat it on the floor in the spare room and closed the door. Oh how smart I was and even proceeded to think of putting duct tape upside down on the outside of the door where the gap is at the floor......thinking like a man and making my own makeshift sticky trap.

Hours passed no sound. Went to get our littlest from school and when he went to go into the spare room he stopped seeing the tape I laughed and stepped into the room explaining I was trying to catch a mouse but darn it still no mouse .....thats when Dillon proceeded to tell me, "Yes there is its behind you".........SHREEEKKKKKKK!!!!! Sure enough and it scurred behind a dresser. I wasn't taking no for an answer it was time for it to vacate the premisses. I proceeded to grab my fat cat.............a female Garfield but only gray and white.....her name is Trinket. I closed the door and proceeded to get everything up off the floor thinking ahhhhhh haaaaaa now we're talking no where to escape. I ended up cornering it and went to grab the cat.....who by the way was looking at me like I'd lost my mind.......when I went to put the cat down I realized the mouse was gone and drats.......a hole in the wall.........errrrrrrrrrrr!

I grab the duct tape cover the hole and run to the next room.......its run into another room thats not finished in the remodeling process.......needless to say here I went again trying to get everything up off the floor. To my excitment I saw it and saw that Trinket did to and that she was taking off after it. Well that excitment lasted all of a few seconds because Trinket casually flopped on her side with a look of, "If you want it your going to have to get it yourself".

Well I got it cornered into an old closet and grabbed the mousetrap and then grabbed the cat thinking one of them surely will save me.........well as you can see from the picture it sure wasn't either one of them.

Ultimately, I grabbed a clear plastic shoe box and lid and coaxed the little critter...... who by the way looked like it was about to have a heart attack after the godzilla of cats was staring it down. I got it in the shoebox and felt so sorry for it by now that Dillon and I took it outside and let it go. Surely it won't be stupid enough to come in and come face to face with one of the most scary and ferocious cats there ever was :LOL:


  • Killer Cat..........all Mice Beware.JPG
    Killer Cat..........all Mice Beware.JPG
    56.7 KB · Views: 213
That cat needs to be HUNGRY before it's going to catch a mouse! lol That is some cat! What a story - I can just see you running around trying to stay one step ahead of the mouse! lol I have a sneaky feeling that that mouse will be back though - probably a new playmate for the cat! :ROFLMAO:
ROFLMAO!! Poor little mousie. (I'd have let it go too Sizz. I can kill them if I don't see them, or if the cats get them, but if I have to dispatch them they get to go free. LOL)
Great thats all I need is my own Stuart Little and Family. Next thing I know I'll wake up and they'll be snuggled up on Trinket.....:LOL:
This little guy wasn't the least bit interested in the tasty cheese morsel that was waiting for him on his nice little wooden dining table......its taste must be more refined :LOL:
That picture is laugh out loud funny. I've done the mouse chase and I can never kill them either. The ones the cat has found have never been that lucky. I have to send that picture to my son, he will love it.
This is the second cat I've ever had. My first one used to catch them but she'd just lick the things to death......I think they actually had heartfailure from fright........she'd never eat them.

Trinket........well you can see she isn't going to put any more effort into doing anything she doesn't have to :LOL: . She wakes up and eats then I put her up on top of our bed and she sleeps for like 9 hours straight then she'll get down and go eat and mossey back into the living room and hope on the couch or anyones lap that is around and clean herself and then pretty soon she's back asleep. I think if I timed it she'd be up a total of maybe 1 1/2 to 2 hours out of the day......very sassy and irritable if her sleep is disturbed. But she's the queen of the house and she rules :) .
steph said:
That must have been a sight seeing a fat cat chase after a mousee!

Chase......:LOL: ......Trinkets chase is more of a quick step......but its quite comical because her belly sways back and forth when she walks and when she walks faster it really sways.

Trinket doing what she does best. Note the eye that slightly say the least she was not too happy with me for disturbing her sleep :LOL: .


  • Trinket dreaming of lasagna.JPG
    Trinket dreaming of lasagna.JPG
    60.5 KB · Views: 178
Peanut Butter wrapped in a piece of cheese cloth works better than cheese.
Paul taught Pest control while in service.
Lol, Trinket is a doll!! She reminds me of Hobbes, the cat I had when I lived in Spain. The house had some mouse problem, but he was utterly useless, and the mice knew that, too!!
killer cat

I think I might have a topper - the other night we were sound asleep when our little black cat jumped on the foot of the bed. He seemed to playing with my feet, so I woke up. No, it was not my feet he was interested in...he had brought us a gift. A little field mouse that he had brought in through the cat door. Needless to say, he got evicted. I grabbed the mouse (very alive) by the tail and evicted him (her?) too.
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