Kitchen utensils-what could you not live without?

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can `i ask which brand you use, Addie........cause `i'm looking for a good one and the cost is not a factor......`i have arthritis and need a reliable utensil........thanks for replying......```````:)

My pleasure. It is an Oxo.

The handle tilts down so that if you are holding it in your hand, You can create any angle your choose. Or you can use it over a bowl. The pusher has curved sides to grab the slicer and upward curved ends to protect your fingers. And it is inexpensive. :angel:

I have the Oxo too and it's great - I use it a lot. I also never use it without wearing THESE. I find that the pusher that comes with the mandoline is pretty useless. Wearing a safety glove on my slicing hand lets me slice right down to the last bit, and ensures that I don't end up with any extra protein mixed in with the veggies that I'm slicing.
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I have the Oxo too and it's great - I use it a lot. I also never use it without wearing THESE. I find that the pusher that comes with the mandoline is pretty useless. Wearing a safety glove on my slicing hand lets me slice right down to the last bit, and ensures that I don't end up with any extra protein mixed in with the veggies that I'm slicing.

Thanks y'all......and boy have some of my recipes had `'protein`' added to them........:ROFLMAO:


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I'm with Andy. Hands are critical.:rolleyes: But, beyond those, um, handy tools, the three things I reach for most often are my granny fork, which now has a visible slant to the tines since I've had it and been using it for well over 40 years. My pigtail turner, which comes in a small and large size. The smaller of the two stays in the kitchen and is pressed into service nearly daily. And, finally, any of my silicone scrapers, especially the ones who stand up to high temps.
speaking of the pigtail `i'm on the short side of things, that baby and having arthritis has become a token grabber for stuff out of my reach in my pantry.......and anything else that has fallen behind the fridge or laundry you think that it would qualify as a medical gadget? `it really does grab onto anything! ``````````:)
speaking of the pigtail `i'm on the short side of things, that baby and having arthritis has become a token grabber for stuff out of my reach in my pantry.......and anything else that has fallen behind the fridge or laundry you think that it would qualify as a medical gadget? `it really does grab onto anything! ``````````:)

I'm not short, but my pigtail turner has assisted in some of the same chores you mention. But, the task it excels at to the max is to prevent me from suffering the dreaded "breading finger/thumb" when I bread anything. Love, love, love it for that job. I've never made fried green tomatoes any better than with the pigtail turner.

Arthritis has caused me to get very creative in the kitchen and I've discovered lots of unconventional ways to get things done when I have really painful times.
I'm with Andy. Hands are critical.:rolleyes: But, beyond those, um, handy tools, the three things I reach for most often are my granny fork, which now has a visible slant to the tines since I've had it and been using it for well over 40 years. My pigtail turner, which comes in a small and large size. The smaller of the two stays in the kitchen and is pressed into service nearly daily. And, finally, any of my silicone scrapers, especially the ones who stand up to high temps.

Pigtail turner - I have never heard of that and had to look it up. Interesting. I use tongs for that purpose.
My most used utensils are my Henckels Santoku chef's knife, my large wooden cutting board that lives on the counter, my bamboo spatula (you can tell it gets the most use since it's darker than the rest of the bamboo tools), and my silicon spatulas.

My Microplane zester and citrus juicer get a fair workout, too.
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my worst arthritis is between the thumb and index you're right any squeezing activities are the worst...........luckily it's not rheumatoid arthritis.....and `i have people to help me open jars........`i used to play a lot tennis but not any more,,,,,,,,```````````:(
To many things. Knives, pigtails, silicone spats, metal spats for the cast iron, micro plan grater. And on and on. :LOL::chef:
Paint scraper. Yes....I use this mostly when cooking in cast iron or roasting in the oven. It is great for dislodging food from the bottom without losing that nice crispy coating that has formed on the bottom. Ideal for homefries, roast chicken, breaded items on baking sheets, cookies, etc...pick one up. I'm sure you will use it more than you think..

I want one! But I can only find plastic handled and that will be a work of art very quickly around here as no one pays attention to heat since silicone became popular.
Too many things here too, MsM. My microplanes and a bamboo spatula with holes in it, I reach for again and again.

I have a wonderful heavy-duty metal spatula I love, it looks like Rock's paint scraper. You can probably find paint scrapers at your local Sherwin Williams or in the hardware section at Walmart. I got mine at a huge kitchen store in MI many eons ago.
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Wine is not the utensil...

but the OPENER is!

Why didn't I think of that!

'course we could practice taking the cork off with a sword stroke...
It would have to be my long handled grilling utensils for the outdoor "kitchen". :chef::)
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Oh wow... now I have a new gadget to find for my kitchen...

those pigtail turners look fantastic! Never seen them before.

My latest gadget I just got at the kitchen store is an ultra thin tongs in silicone plastic stuff. Good for ultra thin stuff you want to turn. The version I got was about $6.00 although the staff tried to convince me to get the $45 version made with ultra high-end fashionable shiny steel. Truth to tell, I didn't even like the way it 'pinched'. It had no spring or tension to it. Think the cheaper was the better deal and am very happy with it.
Too many things here too, MsM. My microplanes and a bamboo spatula with holes in it, I reach for again and again.

I have a wonderful heavy-duty metal spatula I love, it looks like Rock's paint scraper. You can probably find paint scrapers at your local Sherwin Williams or in the hardware section at Walmart. I got mine at a huge kitchen store in MI many eons ago.

I can only find ones with plastic handles on Amazon, Lowes etc. I would want a wooden handle that won't melt.

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