Last thing that made you smile?

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when i saw a boy at work today. probably about 2 yrs old. he looked at me and gave me the cutest little smile that i haven't seen for a long time.
m.///// (thats a message from my cat!!)
Today I had been having a really stressful day cause we are going on a 3 day excursion for school and one mother is being a total pain and really rude to the teachers. I was just about at the end of my tether when I came back from recess and some of my class had made me a card saying how much they appreciated we teachers for giving up our free time and leaving our families in order to take them to Canberra. It made me smile and remember that I do really love my job!
DH puts all of the stuff he has to take to work in the morning by the door the night before (briefcase, gym bag, etc.). This morning, our cat was sitting at attention right in the middle of his stuff. It looked like he was ready to go to work too! :)
I smiled when I read pds's post...of course all I could think of then was her and her horse story then of course I laughed!! Im kidding pds!!! Then I smiled when I heard I have hope for getting a place to live all by ourselves!! Me and my kids oh and that dog of mine!!!!
The horse story was not funny!!! Ok, maybe it was a tiny bit funny. Flying over the head of a horse does take some fancy talent. : )

I'm keeping my fingers crossed about your new home Tan. I see good things
happening for you in the near future!

I smiled when Paul woke me with a kiss and hug this morning.
awww!!! When are you going to share him????? Ok just send him over so I can get him to train some prospects....oh wait....hmmm.....I know where you can send him, oh no i dont hes already got that training...hmmmm......dang.....
I share my cookbooks... my food... I'm willing to lend you my son to scoop up horse poopy but Paulie well... he's under lock and key! He'd be tooo willing to be trained all over again. Gotta keep that man where I can watch him every second. :)
well can never say i didnt try!!!! Now about your son......You see I have this dog that well seems to be about as big as a Shetland Pony, and well........
My son was the last thing that made me smile...

I was putting him to bed and he tells me "hold hand, hold hand." I told him he needs to fall asleep on his own and he just grabs me around the neck and holds me to his chest. I love that kid!:) :)
nahhhh we were pming and trying to convince her that when she falls from a horse it it that far to the ground!

I last smiled when I felt things were going to be ok......they will be.....and of course I smiled when I came here!
We just got a letter in the mail saying our vet and his wife made a donation to a school animal education program in the name of our cat we had to have put to sleep. I think that's sooooo sweet!!
I smiled when my husband made a second pot of coffee!
Here's one to make you smile!

A man and woman were argueing over who should make the coffee..
Finally the wife said should! It says so in the bible!
The husband said show me!
She opened the bible to HEBREWS.
I sure like that one!! Hear that guys???? Oh wait, the men dont come in here to often do they??? You made me smile once again Kaylinda, thanks for sharing!
Kaylinda made me smile, Hebrew! lol.
I plan on using that one with Paul very soon!!
i smiled when i saw the glass of juice some one left for me on my nightstand.
Well first of all a couple of weeks ago I made a donation to the local senior center and in turn I received a thank you letter from the local youth crisis shelter thankint me for the donation. I was a little baffled at first but realized that when i donated to the senior center they gave the donation to the crises shelter. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Now for the last thing that made me smile:

That was three days ago when I received an envelope in the mail consisting a birthday card and a money order for $50.00 from MY EX-HUSBAND. :mrgreen: :cool: and double :cool:
from your ex ????? hey i need an ex like that !!!!!
okay tweedee's post proves that there are still decent men
around somewhere. that put a smile on my face.

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