Last thing that made you smile?

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Step aside there Bucky. :LOL: Now that my computer is working again, I will show off my boys in their Fire Dept shirts.


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I just got on the scale, am trying the weight watchers diet. Been on it for 3 weeks but took last weekend off when I went away. Was worried I had messed it up but have stilll lost 20 lbs.
Having the little ones here,taking them outside to play on the swings and in the sand box and to use bubble guns, then hearing them squeel as Pa came out carrying ice cream for them..We ended up sandy and covered with chocolate and big grins

Oh, bucky, buck jr. is getting cuter and cuter! I can't believe how grown up he looks!

Corazon, Callum is getting awfully big, too! Isn't it amazing the change aroudn that age--they suddenly stop looking new born and look very grown up!:(

I'll have to post one later. Imageshack isn't working for me right now....
I just smiled, watching a video of my 3 month old niece with Down Syndrome trying to roll over! She is getting from her back to her side!
Angie said:
I just smiled, watching a video of my 3 month old niece with Down Syndrome trying to roll over! She is getting from her back to her side!
I love when they start trying to roll over and grab for things. I bet she is cute as a button.Give her a hug from me:)
A cousin who is very close to me just had colon cancer surgery and his doc told him this morning the cancer was in stage one, he got it all, and there is no need for anymore treatment. I was smiling ALL day.:)
kadesma said:
I love when they start trying to roll over and grab for things. I bet she is cute as a button.Give her a hug from me:)

I sure will give her a hug from you! I do have a new picture of her trying to roll over that I will post in the morning!
I have posted a new picture of my niece tryint to roll over. Every time I think of that child I smile...We are truly blessed to have her in our family. She is lucky to have the extra chromosone.
Angie said:
I have posted a new picture of my niece tryint to roll over. Every time I think of that child I smile...We are truly blessed to have her in our family. She is lucky to have the extra chromosone.
just saw the new picture..Boy she is so darling and all that pretty hair..You really are blessed.

It's incredibly hot here all of a sudden so we got Sofie's baby pool out yesterday for the first time. She wasn't sure what to do at first, but quickly got the hang of it and had a great time splashing and playing with her toys (although I think her daddy, Grammy, Grandpa and I had more fun watching!).

PA Baker said:
It's incredibly hot here all of a sudden so we got Sofie's baby pool out yesterday for the first time. She wasn't sure what to do at first, but quickly got the hang of it and had a great time splashing and playing with her toys (although I think her daddy, Grammy, Grandpa and I had more fun watching!).

She is getting big, PA!! She is so cute.
The legs behind her, look like my husbands, tan with white socks:ROFLMAO: That is someone that is outside while working with socks and shoes instead of outside playing with sandals or barefoot.
texasgirl said:
That is someone that is outside while working with socks and shoes instead of outside playing with sandals or barefoot.

LOL, TG, that's my dad, who golfs a lot!

Yes, she's growing like a weed, and I'm so bittersweet about it!:( :rolleyes:
today watching all the little kids playing in the water and with squirt guns at Ethans birthday party..They were all so cute. Little Olivia, was sitting in my lap just jabbering as the kids ran by her..Nice bbq,ggod food, dh,my kids and grandkids and a few friends..Early this morning we went to the cemetary, brought mom some flowers and then went into the area where they have the military and picked random sites with no flowers and laid a rose on some of them.Gave a big thank you and then went to finish for Ethans big big day..Had to really give a big smile as we left, the little guy was sound asleep on Pa's shoulder clutching a little football.:)

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