Last thing that made you smile?

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awww, guys i love my jake, too. he wakes me at like 7 to kiss me & say he loves me.
I smiled just now, when after receiving an email from the Commit lozenge website, that, it has been 3 MONTHS since I smoked and had not noticed!!!
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The truth of it is, Karen, that I have known him for about 17 years and we have been married for only 6.5. Life happened between there, but it was also time for us to become best friends first and we really only had one true "date" - we just hung out (and worked) together. We became friends, then business partners, then best friends and finally life partners. Just thinking of it brings another smile to my face.

I am glad you feel the same way too about your sweetie.
life sometimes hands us lemons, but in our case we got the lemonade:LOL: I've known my DH since i was 13 at times it seems forever others it's all new. Times it's exciting and can't wait to see him, others it's sweet, comfy and so glad we are one.

life sometimes hands us lemons, but in our case we got the lemonade:LOL: I've known my DH since i was 13 at times it seems forever others it's all new. Times it's exciting and can't wait to see him, others it's sweet, comfy and so glad we are one.


Well said Kades!
Thinking about my mom made me smile. She would have been 68 today. Here is a picture of her just before her 60th birthday (about 10 months before she died).



  • Mama.jpg
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Hey, those of you who still have your moms or mums, let them know how much you appreciate them and the fact that they had the courage to give you life...I'd kill to have my mom here today...she died of cancer at age 30 give your moms a call or a hug on Mother's day
Hey, those of you who still have your moms or mums, let them know how much you appreciate them and the fact that they had the courage to give you life...I'd kill to have my mom here today...she died of cancer at age 30 give your moms a call or a hug on Mother's day
Lovely idea expat:) and those of us like you and me..We will offer warm hugs to those of us without our moms..My girls and I are going out to pay mom a visit and bring her , her favorite flowers, Mint Julip roses..The last ones dad gave her..will bring him some of his favorite roses as well..
Hey, those of you who still have your moms or mums, let them know how much you appreciate them and the fact that they had the courage to give you life...I'd kill to have my mom here today...she died of cancer at age 30 give your moms a call or a hug on Mother's day

Yes, Yes, Yes!!!! Spend T-I-M-E with them!!!!
Lovely idea expat:) and those of us like you and me..We will offer warm hugs to those of us without our moms..My girls and I are going out to pay mom a visit and bring her , her favorite flowers, Mint Julip roses..The last ones dad gave her..will bring him some of his favorite roses as well..
Oh, you're going to make me're so nice to be so appreciative of her memory
Last thing that made me smile was seeing more birds arrive , the Baltimore Orioles, Rosebreasted Grosbeaks, Catbird, Wood ducks.
Thanks for the pic, Barbs!!! I know that you must miss her!!!
Yes, I really do miss my mom. She was my best friend. It's funny, now and then I will have a dream in which she and I are doing something together. It is always something ordinary, like shopping or having lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. When I wake up, I feel happy because I feel like I have just spent quality time with her. That picture doesn't do her justice. She had very thick, baby fine golden blonde hair and dark brown eyes. Her hair never went at all gray.

Lovely idea expat:) and those of us like you and me..We will offer warm hugs to those of us without our moms..My girls and I are going out to pay mom a visit and bring her , her favorite flowers, Mint Julip roses..The last ones dad gave her..will bring him some of his favorite roses as well..

Kades, I lost my Mom to cancer 13 years ago, 2 weeks before her 70th birthday. I too will be visiting her and taking her favourite flower...a cymbidium orchid with a tag that says "just 'cause". I used to give her one every once in awhile for no particular reason (or sometimes there was) and I would write that on the card. I have taken one to the cemetary every year.

I do have the wonderful opportunity to spend Mother's Day with my Mother-in-law who is also a very special lady in my life. I am not a Mom myself and combined with losing my own, Mother's Day is a difficult day. But DH's Mom and my rent-a-daughter make it a special day for me.
Yes, I really do miss my mom. She was my best friend. It's funny, now and then I will have a dream in which she and I are doing something together. :)Barbara

Barbara, I have similar dreams about my Mom, or sometimes, when I am doing something we did together, or that she taught me, I get a warm fuzzy feeling as if she is there with me once more.

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