Last thing that made you smile?

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CJ, it was so good to see that you had a great day. Christmas is always better with the kids around. We had a grown up day. Owen was gone to his Dad's and boy, did we miss him, as we have for almost a week now. He will be home on Sunday, though, so we will celebrate Christmas all over again.
I did have a wonderful time Licia, kids are like magic.I know you Christmas will really happen on Sunday I'll be thinking about you Merry Christmas
My friend and I are going to Judson to celebrate Christmas with our friend, John. His family could not come to town to visit and Debbie had to be with her family yesterday. I had plans with my mom yesterday, too. (Actually, I see her every day)
The biggest smile I had Christmas Eve was opening the gorgeous watch my daughter bought me. She said, "I knew you needed another watch."
I now have 38 watches. My family is nuts.
David's girlfriend said two things that made me smile yesterday..

1. I'm your future daughter in law....!!!! No formal announcement and no ring... and I'm 100% sure David isn't ready for a wife was nice to hear

2. She said I LOVE YOU before she hung up! That was pretty dang nice too!
David's girlfriend said two things that made me smile yesterday..

1. I'm your future daughter in law....!!!! No formal announcement and no ring... and I'm 100% sure David isn't ready for a wife was nice to hear

2. She said I LOVE YOU before she hung up! That was pretty dang nice too!

Be glad that she is comfortable saying that to you! I'm still not comfortable telling my mil as she was never big on saying it to her boys. My family on the other hand, says it every time we talk:LOL:
My DD actually MSN'd me Merry Christmas! This is the first time she has voluntarily gotten hold of me since they left our house under tense circumstances this summer.
Seeing my daughter and grandkids on their new (from us) webcam tonight! I told Nancy to show me her stomach, and it is starting to get a little pudgy (3 months pregnant). I said that either the baby is starting to show or she had a really big burrito! I'm so happy!

And I'm so happy for you too Laurie! That is great news! I'm glad about everyone else's good news too!

John was thrilled to have us girls visiting him. We had dinner at Fisher's--the food is not the greatest--but the company was fabulous. We exchanged presents and spent all evening with him. Two of his sons are suppose to come in on Sunday. John has four children--three sons and a daughter; one of his sons is retarded. As no one could come for Christmas, it was important to me and Debbie that we help him celebrate. He was delighted to spend time with us. The waitress took a nice picture. John forgot to call Mary Kay, so it was just the three of us. Although John is 89 years old, he has always endeared himself to much younger women. Up until a year ago when illness forced him into a nursing home, he seemed much younger than his years. He has a lot of female friends and we all get along. Debbie teasingly refers to us as his harem. We all worry about him and try to visit regularly. I think John and my father would have been great friends. He finally met my mom on her birthday and told me that she is a cute lady and it made my mom smile.

I do not know how much longer he has on this earth but Debs and I hope to make the time he has as happy as we can. He misses being able to go out to dinner and hear live music.
My best friend invited us over for dinner last night. We weren't sure if we would be able to because we didn't feel well, but we did go. I am so glad we did. What Christi didn't tell us was that the boys (Ryan, 8 and Devin, 6) were waiting all day to show us (especially James) everything they had gotten for Christmas! Christi said that when they woke up yesterday morning, the first thing Ryan said was that he wished it weren't so long until dinner because he wanted to show James everything. Awwwwww! They were so excited when we got there! Poor Devin was so tired that he couldn't last much longer after we ate. He showed James Guitar Hero and then went to bed.

The pictures below are Ryan, his dad Chris, and James. Ryan is on the drums and Chris and James are on the guitars.


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    Ryan, Chris, and James 12-26-08-1.jpg
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    Ryan, Chris, and James 12-26-08-2.jpg
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    Ryan, Chris, and James 12-26-08-3.jpg
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gee, thanks ladies. i am honored. :)
but to be humble (start recording now, or forever lose this) if there was no one to laugh at my jokes, i wouldn't be funny. sorta like the pope, the woods, and a digestive system.
Peppermint ice cream covered with hot fudge sauce...and a hubby who asked "how can you eat that?" and then needed bites and the a BIG bowl of his own. lol!
Sitting in the family room watching The Sound of Music, which, surprisingly, I've never seen. As I try to watch, Sally is running through the room batting and hurling toys everywhere. If she keeps up at her present pace, I'm going to need a hardhat and knee protection.

Buck didn't call her Silly Sally Calli Gal for nothing!!!!

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