Last thing that made you smile?

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My 11 year old chocolate lab Gracie's smile. She is sleeping and smiling at the same time. She's such a darlin'! Sweet Dreams, Gracie!
My thirteen year old nephew after returning home to Italy was asked by his teacher who he would like to look like. My sister (his mom) reported to me that his answer was:
"I want to be like auntie Franca, because she never stopped learning"
Makes me smile everytime I think about it and keeps me on keeping busy.


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Scooping up my pens and pencils, logging out of my computer, locking the office door, knowing that we made our deadline by 13 hours, clocking out and leaving for a week...I'm on vacation!
Waking up to all the wonderful birthday wishes here.....and to a wonderful breakfast of waffles with warm berries and whipped cream. :)
Holding my great-nephew for the very first time yesterday. I was feeling rotten and tired from organizing the shower for my niece, but the minute I got a chance to sit down, she plunked the little one into my arms and suddenly the world melted away. Not having children of my own, I cherish those moments when I can hold a tiny baby (2 weeks old). The fact that he belongs to my favourite niece made it all the more special!
Holding my great-nephew for the very first time yesterday. I was feeling rotten and tired from organizing the shower for my niece, but the minute I got a chance to sit down, she plunked the little one into my arms and suddenly the world melted away. Not having children of my own, I cherish those moments when I can hold a tiny baby (2 weeks old). The fact that he belongs to my favourite niece made it all the more special!

I understand completely. Not having children of my own, I also cherish those precious moments with children in my life. Here is the next generation of perfect bread makers:


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LP, I know exactly what you mean. A couple of weeks ago we had a Baby Shower for the 4 little ones born in the last month. These are co-workers babies and the reason I couldn't take many maternity leaves.

Anyway, I spent a good part of the afternoon holding and rocking babies. I was in heaven!
Last thing that made me smile...Shrek finally getting his sense of humor back after having all his teeth pulled and I was able to finally shoot off all the horrible jokes at his expense I have been holdng back.
zfranka, what beautiful girls - seeing their smiles made me smile again! Are they your nieces?

I wish...but I love them as they were. They are all very well educated girls from Mexico city and have been making cinnamon bread at my house for years, when they come to vacation at their grandfather home here on Playa Blanca. Here are the new generations: Julia (the little one on the right, is only three years old, and she is standing on a little stool.) Isn't she precious?


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I wish...but I love them as they were. They are all very well educated girls from Mexico city and have been making cinnamon bread at my house for years, when they come to vacation at their grandfather home here on Playa Blanca. Here are the new generations: Julia (the little one on the right, is only three years old, and she is standing on a little stool.) Isn't she precious?
The girls are precious. How lucky for all of you.
I have actually this second just smiled from ear to ear whilst scrolling through the posts......the hot guy to the right of me looked in to my eyes and kissed me. Yes i am seeing him but i cant tell him enough how much i fancy the pants off him......and to my fellow morning grumps, i hate it worse when its dark n miserable! thanks for making me smile every morning DD..x
being able to use cane or nothing to walk. left the walker behind. big big smile

Babe, I am smiling so big on this one I am sure you can see it from where you are! I know personally how great it is when I can enjoy a quick shopping trip or night out without my cane. I know that I will always need it, but being able to walk free, even for a bit, is a wonderful thing. Keep up the good work! :)
I have actually this second just smiled from ear to ear whilst scrolling through the posts......the hot guy to the right of me looked in to my eyes and kissed me. Yes i am seeing him but i cant tell him enough how much i fancy the pants off him......and to my fellow morning grumps, i hate it worse when its dark n miserable! thanks for making me smile every morning DD..x

I'm very glad we can make you smile...It's my goal in life to make at least two people a day laugh! And not just by looking at my goofy face!:wacko:

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