Lays Natural sea salt thick cut potato chips review......

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
I am back again with yet another food product review.

The potato chips were lighter in color imo than a reglar Lays potato chip.

The thichkness of the chips were the same as the regular Lays potato chip.

Some of the chips in the bag were massive in size though. Largest chips on average in a bag for me though. Like twice the size of a big Lays chip. I love that.

The taste of them were really great. Not to salty at all.

The only downside to this chip was you had no folded over chips. I love them a ton!!!

A nice big thumbs up from me though.
I am back with another review for you people:

RUFFLES Natural Reduced Fat Regular Sea Salted Potato Chips Review...

The color of these chips looked alot like the lays version.

The ridges looked the same as well.

The size of the chips were not as big as the lays version and that sucked. It should been a thick cut chip.

Even though it was reduced fat, it still tasted the same.

I am going to give this chip a medium-big sized thumbs up. A grade slightly lower than the lays version.

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