Looking for a Hawaiian dessert, help!

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Chef Extraordinaire
Feb 21, 2011
I have a party coming up this week with a hawaiian theme. We are serving polynesian pork for the entree. I am in desperate need to find a dessert for the occasion. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Halve some pineapples, scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Drizzle some white rum like Bacardi and a sprinkle of brown sugar on top. Place the pineapple chunks back in the hollow fruits. Top with thickly whipped cream and toasted coconut shavings.
I am not home but when get home later today I will post the recipe.
Bannana Split cake -
Yellow or white cake, baked on a sheet pan, topped with vanilla pudding mixed with coolwhip and cream cheese,then sliced bannanas, then more coolwhip , then layer pinneapple, marchino cherries pecans or wallnuts
Thank you everyone with the great ideas. We know we w ill end up doing something with macadamia nuts but have'nt pinned down what exactly we will do yet. The input coming in is wonderfull. Thanks again!
Here is the recipe for the cake

Bannana Split Cake

1 cake mix baked per box instruction on a sheet pan
( i like white or yellow or even a funfetti one for this)
Cool cake completly
Mix together:
1 pkg of vanilla instant pudding
8- ounces soften cream cheese
1 1/2 cup milk

Spread ontop of cake
then layer the following in order:
2 cups of well drained crushed pinneaple
sliced bannana (dip in lemon juice so not to brown) to cover the cake
2 - 8 0z thawed coolwhip
Marchino cherries ( chopped -whole - sliced in half- whatever way you like them
Nuts of choice - I have used walnuts or pecans
refridge till all is cold
We did a blue coconut sorbet with a white chocolate/macadamia nut cookie and slice of star fruit in martini glasses for the under the sea Gala - very pretty, nit that I took a pic or anything, LOL.
We did a blue coconut sorbet with a white chocolate/macadamia nut cookie and slice of star fruit in martini glasses for the under the sea Gala - very pretty, nit that I took a pic or anything, LOL.

Did you make the blue cocnut sorbet or buy it that way?
Bought it from a local ice cream shop; they gave us a great deal because it was a not for profit, plus free program ad. We couldn't beat the price making it ourselves.
Another truly wonderful thing that is typically Hawaiian, is a coconut milk based custard. The very best quality comes from mixing equal parts of coconut milk, dark brown sugar and egg yolks, then baking like any egg custard. It is so rich that you have to have a special plating plan for very small servings, but out of this world and easy to do ahead. The quality is perfectly acceptable made with some whole eggs, so long as you strain out any tendrils from the whites.

How many folks are you serving?
Lived in Hawaii for many years. There are two deserts that strike me now as particulary Hawaiin. We went to many local potlucks/luaus (not to be confused with the tourist ones, this ws with local friends). One was a sort of brownie looking thing, but white, made, I think, with condensed milk and coconut. Another favorite was layered, I think Jello-O was featured in this one.

I guess what I'm saying is the most difficult it is, the less Hawaiian it will really be.

If you want to get really easy, go to Kemoo Farms website, and order one of their cakes!
Bought it from a local ice cream shop; they gave us a great deal because it was a not for profit, plus free program ad. We couldn't beat the price making it ourselves.
Another truly wonderful thing that is typically Hawaiian, is a coconut milk based custard. The very best quality comes from mixing equal parts of coconut milk, dark brown sugar and egg yolks, then baking like any egg custard. It is so rich that you have to have a special plating plan for very small servings, but out of this world and easy to do ahead. The quality is perfectly acceptable made with some whole eggs, so long as you strain out any tendrils from the whites.

How many folks are you serving?

We are serving 65 people, mostly women. I love the sorbet idea but we will not have access to a freezer. The custard idea sounds good. Thanks!
I am sympathetic on the freezer; both our big one and upright kitchen one for standby went out the day of the gala: dry ice, refrigerator warming and last minute plating for 350 assembled desserts. Gets the adrenaline going.

If you do the custard - and I recommend it - you can probably fill out the plate with some tropical fruit to good effect for 65 ladies.
I am sympathetic on the freezer; both our big one and upright kitchen one for standby went out the day of the gala: dry ice, refrigerator warming and last minute plating for 350 assembled desserts. Gets the adrenaline going.

If you do the custard - and I recommend it - you can probably fill out the plate with some tropical fruit to good effect for 65 ladies.

The dinner is tomorrow. We ended up making a tropical custard. We cut up croissants, leftover made from scrath caramel rolls & hawaiin bread. We added toasted coconut & some tropical fruit, seasoned it with cinnamon then poured over a custard made with coconut milk, eggs, brown sugar & vanilla. It smells wonderfull. Not sure about putting a sauce over it yet, maybe just some amaretto with real whipped cream.

Thank you so very much for all the input!!:chef:
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