Looks like we have another fur-baby.....

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Executive Chef
Aug 25, 2004
USA, Oklahoma
A couple days ago, a cat showed up at our door. We don't know if she was dropped off, or if she's been out in the woods for awhile. I want to go with #2, as she's kind of thin, and has a very thick coat of fur for a shorthair. She doesn't look like a medium-length longhair.

She's really sweet and loving. Comes up to us, rubs up on our legs, etc. She hasn't scratched anyone, and just about everyone has picked this cat up and/or played with her. We don't really let her inside, as we don't have any cat litter right now.

Earlier this morning, she made an unsuccessful attempt to catch a mouse. "Lisa" was in PeppA's lap on the porch, and suddenly made a leap towards the side of the garage. PeppA didn't even notice the mouse until the cat leapt.

About an hour ago, "Lisa" caught and killed a mouse. We didn't see her do it, but she came walking up to us with a little grey present in her mouth. Less than an hour later, PeppA saw "Lisa" catch a second one. We watched her quickly dispatch this one with the good-ol' neck-bite. Obviously, she was taught to kill mice by her mother.

At least the chihuahua's don't bother the cat, and the cat doesn't bother them. We haven't introduced the cat to the lab out in the backyard yet. Don't know if we will.

Kitty is at this moment, peacefully tolerating the attentions of my 4 y.o. daughter on the couch. This consists of holding, hugging, and petting.
Yea... another fur kid! Glad to hear things are going well with the new arrival!!
Yep, she's actually earning her keep, while the dogs just eat, sleep, and need to be walked.

PeppA says Lisa caught and killed two more mice while I was at work. However, she didn't say whether or not she saw Lisa catch/kill them. It's highly possible that Lisa stashed the bodies for later consumption. PeppA says she only saw Lisa munching on tails. I'll try to get a pic up later. I've got a cute one of my daugher petting the kitty.

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