Makin' Jerky

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Master Chef
Nov 10, 2010
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada
Whole Eye of Rounds were on sale so I picked one up yesterday and had it sitting in marinade since yesterday. I just put it in the dehydrator so it can go overnight and it should be done when I wake up. I like it thick and chewy so it should take at least 8 hours. Her it is now. I'll take a pic tomorrow when its finished.


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No matter how much beef jerky I make, it's so delicious I finish it all off in less amount of time than it took to make it. :LOL:
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I'm perplexed by this stuff, got some in Costco as my son likes it, it looks like something you would feed to a dog. I mean that in a nice way.
I'm perplexed by this stuff, got some in Costco as my son likes it, it looks like something you would feed to a dog. I mean that in a nice way.

Packaged jerky is popular and has an 18 month shelf life. It does resemble rawhide doggie treats compared to freshly made. I still buy it that way, only... I check the package's date code in order to buy the freshest. I try and buy it freshly made from a swap meet or a county fair. Chewing on tough beef jerky has caused me to need root canal or two over the years. I have a really strong bite.
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Oh Princess, the beef jerky I used to get everyone as an Xmas gift years and years ago was so fresh, so thinly sliced, with even some fat in it, you could gum it.

That's an idea when I have the fidgits...
So..ahem, why don't you eat beef jerky? Vegan? Lousy teeth? Other?

Due to Degenerative Bone Disease, I have no teeth and dentures just don't quite chew well enough. I haven't had a steak in almost two years and jerky...well. Tough for a carnivore to become old and toothless.:LOL:
I don't eat jerky either. I don't have anything physical reason to not eat it I just don't care for it. I guess one to many pieces of old tough jerky that and my son told me once his scab looked like a piece of jerky.
In the Army though a ton of people eat it when on the go. I'm just not one of them.
I don't eat jerky either. I don't have anything physical reason to not eat it I just don't care for it. I guess one to many pieces of old tough jerky that and my son told me once his scab looked like a piece of jerky.
In the Army though a ton of people eat it when on the go. I'm just not one of them.

Well hey... All beef jerky isn't like Charlie Chaplin eating a boot in one of his silent films, or suited only to give to puppies with teething pains. There's beef jerky made different than that. Like the kind freshly made that goes faster than the time it took to make it.
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I'm sure there is a lot better out there then most of the grocery store stuff I've had. I do remember eating deer jerky on my first deployment from a guy's dad's hunting club. It was awesome and tender.
Some friends make jerky from hamburger, it's easy to chew, with the same flavor as regular jerky.
Beef jerky. Ground round and a squeeze gun.

Back to getting real and all.

I am wanting to make me some beef jerky now.

It won't last but a day or two after I make it, but I'll try again and try and make it last longer.
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Here you go.....My daughter loves the stuff and these eye of rounds go on sale quite often so I like to take advantage of the cheap meat...

They look fantastic rock! How long did it take in your Dehydrator?

What kind of marinade did you use? Or is that a trade secret? Hope not I'd like to try it out, if you would be so kind as to share. Hint- Hint...:ROFLMAO:

The BIGGIE question is... Why wasn't this put in the Dehydrating section? Looks too tasty to be here hiding out in the beef section... Just sayin'.


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